T-shirts with prints

What will help to diversify any image, bring him bright colors, cheerful mood? - T-shirts with prints are ideal not only for shorts, trousers, but also for fashionable overalls from denim. Here the main thing is not to forget about the harmonious color scheme and the corresponding accessories that help to look stylish.

T-shirts with bright prints from famous brands

  1. Adidas . Sports brand knows how to combine in their creations sportiness and impeccable style. In addition to the use of high-quality fabrics, the cult brand in several of its collections released T-shirts, decorated with the most exotic patterns.
  2. Bellfield . British label, which prefers not only the style of casual, but, first of all, all sorts of details. At the same time, in the clothes from this brand, inspired by the vintage fashion, each girl will be able to express her personality and her character.
  3. Converse . When you are crazy about comfortable t-shirts that make you not only more attractive, but also give a sense of comfort, it's time to give preference to the brand's clothing, known for producing high classic sneakers.
  4. New Look . Summer - it's time to get clothes from the wardrobe, decorated with Aztec patterns. After all, this ethnic print is not one season remains the most fashionable trend. It is important to remember that this jersey is better complemented with earrings, necklace and bracelets of the appropriate theme. The main thing is "do not overload" look.

With what to wear women's t-shirts with prints?

Mike with a discreet pattern of muted colors can be combined with trousers and a jacket. A note of femininity will be added by sandals with an open nose and a closed heel .

If overflowing romantic mood, then express it in appearance will help skirt to the knee of airy fabric and light cardigan. For a party and a walk around the city, there will be an ideal duo of a shirt with a print and jeans. And the latter can be like "boyfriends", with scuffs, and tattered.