Autumn tree of beads

Trees from beads look very interesting in the interior. We offer you to make another craft - an autumn tree of beads. Make it yourself, and this tree all year round will remind you of the beautiful time of golden autumn!

The handmade "Golden Autumn": the trees of beads with their own hands

  1. Prepare the necessary materials: beads of different shades of gold (several bags) and wire for beads of medium thickness.
  2. Almost all autumn (and not only) bead trees are woven along one pattern. One sheet consists of 13 beads. An even number of leaflets (in this case 8) is combined into a twig.
  3. We embody this scheme in life. We collect the beads on the wire and tightly twist it in one direction, leaving the long "tails".
  4. We begin to connect individual branches into larger branches. It is better to choose for them beads of different shades - it looks very profitable. Gradually collect all the branches together.
  5. The more autumn leaves of beads will be on your tree, the more lush it will become. Do not regret this bead and your time!
  6. Collect the crown of the tree from the upper branches. We take three of them, we insert in the middle a wooden skewer and we start to wind it with a wire across. A shpak is needed as a base so that the trunk of the tree is stronger.
  7. Try to wrap as tight as possible. For greater reliability, you can use a thermo gun, periodically gluing the wire.
  8. The foundation of our autumn craft is a round wooden saw. In it it is necessary to drill a hole along the diameter of the trunk of a future tree.
  9. Fix it with a hot glue gun. You can use other glue, but then take into account the drying time: you may need to fix the trunk so that it does not tilt while the glue dries.
  10. Now we proceed to the decorative part of our work. Densely spread the substrate with PVA glue.
  11. While the glue does not "grab", in a picturesque manner we spread on it multi-colored stones. For these purposes, you can use a set of stones for aquarium soil, sea pebbles or glass pebbles of the Marbles type.

An autumn bead tree can be a wonderful gift for a loved one, a souvenir or simply a decoration of your own interior. And if you use beads of a different color, it's easy to make a winter, spring or summer tree in a similar pattern. And for more complex schemes you can weave other beautiful trees, for example: wisteria , sakura or mountain ash .