How to survive the death of a pet?

Domestic pets very often become full-fledged members of the family, they are taken care of on an equal footing, and their loss causes a lot of suffering. How can we survive the death of a pet, can we really wait until the pain subsides? Indeed, the best assistant in this matter is time, but you can still help yourself with the right actions and thoughts.

How to survive the death of a pet?

Emotional shocks are always advised to share with others, it is dangerous to become isolated, but in case of death of a pet it may not have the expected effect. Those who have never experienced such a situation tend not to show proper understanding of the situation, they can quite say that this is just a dog or a cat, which can easily be replaced with new fluffy lumps. Therefore, if you decide to share experiences, then look for someone who has experienced such an event and will be able to understand you. But to acquire a new pet is not worth it, until the pain of the death of the beloved animal does not abate. To make this happen more quickly, it is worthwhile to distract yourself from sad thoughts-walks, new hobbies, daily affairs, some are helped by volunteer work in animal shelters.

Often the loss of a pet is experienced especially hard because of feelings of guilt , the owners think that they did not do everything possible to prevent his death. In this case, you need to understand that it is impossible to influence all events, and everything necessary was done for the pet, because no one could take care of it better than a loving owner.

Some people think that the best way to survive the death of a pet is to remove all reminders of it, as if no tragedy has occurred. But this step is unlikely to lead to the desired result, you will still remember your pet, and the disappearance of photographs will make the feeling of emptiness even stronger. It's better to look for photos of your pet and leave the most beloved in a prominent place, or make an album with the best frames and short memories of the sealed moments.