Temporary tattoo at home

Temporary tattooing is an excellent addition not only to the beach suit. She will make a mysterious original and festive bow. Looks will be glued to your pen, ankle, neck, or to other parts of the body, if they are wearing a fashionable tattoo.

Temporary Henna Tattoo

There are several types of drawing process on the body, some of which you can do yourself or with the help of home. Tattoos on tracing paper and henna tattoos are absolutely safe, easy to perform, and they last about a week and a half. If you do not know how to make a temporary tattoo at home, then a small master class you, for sure, will come in handy:

  1. In the store you need to buy henna and a special pencil for her. It is through this simple device henna will lie on the body with even thin lines.
  2. Prepare the pasta. To do this you will need henna powder, lemon and sugar. To begin with, you need to mix henna and lemon juice, let it stand for about a day, then add half a teaspoon of sugar to it, tightly cork, and let it rest for another 12 hours.
  3. Now you can easily draw a tattoo. It is better, if the sketch is first drawn on paper - from it you will be easier to transfer lines, and then the handle on the body. In the event that you do not have artistic skills, ask friends or acquaintances who are good at drawing, to help you in creating a tattoo. By the way, you can use the stencil for temporary tattoos.

Temporary tattoos for girls using tracing paper

This option is also very simply done:

  1. Select the picture and transfer it to the tracing paper in the mirror image. It is worth remembering that the paint for temporary tattoos is used special, in this case it's a marker.
  2. The calico is superimposed on the body by a drawing downwards and neatly pressed with a damp cloth. Now you need to wait a few minutes until the pattern is printed.
  3. At the end of the procedure, a fixer is applied to the picture, which is made from henna, water and essential oil. These components must be mixed, after which the mixture is applied to the tattoo with a soft brush.

Since temporary tattoos do not only in black, recently there have appeared henna, markers and colors of various colors in stores. Especially popular are gold temporary tattoos - they look great in the summer on a tanned body, combined with festive, graduation, wedding dresses. Temporary colored tattoo can be in the form of an animal, a flower, a butterfly, or repeat a whole story - it all depends on your imagination.