How to salt red caviar?

"Black caviar, red caviar, overseas caviar, eggplant ..." - the famous phrase from the no less famous film just touches. But it's not about "Ivan Vasilievich," but about the royal dish, in the film mentioned. Namely about caviar from salmon breeds of fish. Red caviar from pink salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon and other fish of this family is extremely useful, important and nutritious product, our ancestors knew it and appreciated it very much. Red caviar is highly valued in all developed countries of the world and is considered a real delicacy. Eat it in both the ear and fried, but the best way to use this product in a salty form. And how the red caviar of pink salmon, chum salmon or chinook salted correctly, and this article will be discussed.

Why is salting preferable to other treatments?

But before we start studying the recipe for pickling red caviar, let's see why this particular treatment for this product is preferable. For this, we will have to look inside the eggs and look at its biochemical composition. So, firstly, red caviar, as, in general, and any other, very high-calorie product. 100 grams of caviar are 250 kcal. For comparison, in the same amount of meat - 150 kcal, and in milk only 80. Secondly, caviar salmon contains quite a lot of fat and protein. After all, these are future fish, for the development of which a large number of nutrients and energy are needed. But, as you know, fish oil is the most natural source of essential amino acids, amino-saturated fat, vitamin B, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iodine. And yet, it does not turn into harmful cholesterol, which clogs our blood vessels, but rather, on the contrary, helps to get rid of this negative substance. And what will happen if the caviar is cooked, baked or fried? The protein will curtail, and vitamins and beneficial microelements will simply collapse. We will enjoy the wonderful taste of the dish, but only. The organism will not benefit much. This suggests a natural conclusion, there is no better cooking option, except how to salt red caviar.

How correctly to salt red caviar of pink salmon and other salmon fish at home?

You can, of course, not bother, go to the nearest supermarket and buy a can of salted delicacy, good, it is sold freely and in sufficient quantities. But, firstly, the price is very biting. And secondly, factory products contain a considerable share of preservatives, which is also not encouraging. Well, and, thirdly, if you are a native of the places where the red fish lives, it's just a sin not to take advantage of such luck of fate. So, how correctly to salt red caviar? There are two main methods.

1. The ambassador is wet. Caviar with this treatment option can not be more than two days. First we prepare the brine. To do this, boil the water and add salt and sugar to it. For 200 ml of water you need 40 g of salt and 10 g of sugar. When the brine is cooled to room temperature, we fill them with caviar purified from the films and put it for two hours in the refrigerator. At the end of this time, the eggs are discarded in a colander and let the water drain. Everything, the dish is ready. To keep caviar better in a glass jar under a plastic or glass lid in the refrigerator.

2. The Ambassador is dry. With this salting option, caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. First, we release the eggs from the tapes, for which we lower it in a colander in salted boiling water for 20-25 seconds. More than this time, you can not keep eggs in boiling water. Then gently rub it through a large sieve (some use a racket for badminton). In this case, the shell remains on the hands and walls of the sieve, and the eggs are separated. We pour them into an enamel bowl and gradually add the right amount of salt in batches. For 1 kg of caviar you need 2 tablespoons of a coarse salt. To stir the caviar you need either hands or a wooden spoon. At the end of salting, the product is piled in glass, pre-sterilized jars and covered with plastic lids. For tastier taste, smell and better storage in each jar, you can add a tablespoon of well-purified vegetable oil.

Now, knowing how to properly salt red caviar salmon and other salmon fish, you can include imagination and come up with your own exclusive recipe for salting this wonderful product. We wish good luck and pleasant appetite!