The illegitimate daughter of Jackie Chan became homeless

Remember the phrase "Rich too cry"? It seems that it has a direct relationship to the family of the famous actor, stuntman and comedian Jackie Chan. The other day it became known that his 18-year-old daughter Etta Wu Zhilin is forced to live "under the bridge"!

It is necessary to clarify this situation: let's start with the fact that the girl is the "fruit of illegal love" of Jackie Chan and Miss Asia Elaine Ng. She was born when the eminent actor was already married to Taiwanese actress Lin Fengjiao. The actor recognized his fatherhood, but did not take any part in the education of the girl.

Now Etta admitted to journalists that, being an open lesbian, she is forced to put up with the negative attitude toward her choice of partners from both parents. She gave an interview to the New York Daily News and told that her life literally fell to pieces because of the "homophobic position" of her parents.

Etta and her girl Andy Otham are forced to live on the street! While the most conservative estimates of the state of his father Etta Wu Zhilin is $ 395 million.

Scream for help on the network

Girls are sure that parents can separate them, and therefore prefer to live on the street. Lost hope, lovers, recorded a short video message in which they told about their deplorable situation. According to Andy, they unsuccessfully asked for help from friends they knew, but eventually ended up alone with their misfortune:

"We are advised to live in a shelter! But we understand that this development of events will make us part. "

Publication from @stolenmilktea

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Note that until recently, the "prodigal daughter" lived in Hong Kong with her mother, but unconventional sexual orientation became a stumbling block in their relationship and Etta was forced to leave the house where her eyes look.