Belmo on the dog's eye

Belmo on the dog's eye is expressed by the appearance of spots on the cornea. Belmo, or leukoma, can occupy as part of the cornea, and the entire space of the eye. A small, contaminated site initially does not normally bother the animal. In the future, opacities have a very negative effect on vision. The light rays passing through the affected cornea scatter light unevenly, thereby distorting the image. Such unpleasant moments are very irritating to the animal.

The causes of the appearance of a thorn in the eye in a puppy

There are many reasons for the appearance of a thorn in the dog's eye: viral and bacterial diseases, wounds, burns and other eye injuries. Leukemia occurs due to surgical intervention, as well as congenital pathology that occurs during the inflammatory process during pregnancy .


When a dog appears a thorn, the animal has a strong lachrymation. Such a symptom can speak of an easy stage of leukemia, which quickly formed due to trauma.

Purulent leukemia is accompanied by the release of pus from the orbit, as well as photophobia. With purulent inflammation of the corners of the eye, the cornea becomes light brown and slightly rough.

To the varieties of the thorns is also the phlyctenular keratitis, it is characterized by the formation of nodules on the eye and the visible third century.

Treatment of a thorn in a dog

How quickly and painlessly cure a thorn in a dog, only a veterinarian can answer. Each case is individual, and first of all it is necessary to determine the cause of the appearance of leukoma, only after that it is possible to prescribe a treatment.

The use and administration of medicinal forms is carried out only in cases of residual inflammation of the cornea. In general, the elimination of leukemia is reduced to surgical intervention. Expulsion from the eye sockets in the dog will save the solution of boric acid. And with catarrhal leukemia, a solution of levomycetin and a suspension of novocaine will help.