Wall panels for interior decoration

The use of panels for walls for interior finishing every year is becoming more common. This is due to the ease of working with such material. After all, the main problem of many apartments are uneven walls, and when installing panels, this defect is easy to dig. In addition, panels can be mounted even independently, without the involvement of specialists, and such repairs will take the shortest time.

Metal panels for walls for interior decoration

Not yet a very popular type of panels, but it has great advantages over traditional panels of their PVC or MDF. Metal panels are much more durable and resistant to various adverse factors: moisture, high temperature. They do not rot with time, they do not form a fungus. Repair done with the use of such panels can be considered almost eternal. Most often, metal panels are covered with a film, with a pattern printed on it, but with natural-looking options, life must be cautious. Excessive metallic shine can create the effect of a cold, uninhabited room, although in small rooms it visually enlarges the space.

Decorative plastic panels for interior decoration of walls

Perhaps the most common option. They deserve their huge demand at a low price, which allows full repair of the walls in the room with minimal costs, as well as a wide range of options for texture and color. You can buy both bright and quiet options, smooth or imitate any material. To simplify the work, special self-adhesive decorative panels for interior decoration of the walls were created, which do not need a special frame with guides, but are glued directly to the prepared wall. Such options are easy to use, but they will not solve the problem of uneven walls, which is their biggest drawback.

Decorative MDF panels for interior walls

Panels from wood-fiber plates - MDF - another very popular kind of finishing material. They are available in different types. There are panels suitable for use in rooms with high humidity, bathrooms, as well as those that withstand heating to high temperatures and used for repairs in the kitchen. MDF panels are environmentally friendly and light enough, easy to assemble and not afraid of mechanical influences. The appearance of such a finishing material can mimic natural samples, for example, wood or stone. Panels for brick for interior decoration of walls are now widely used in the creation of modern interiors, as they perfectly repeat the texture of the material, but it is much easier and cheaper than real brickwork.

Wooden panels for interior decoration of walls

Many consumers who care about the maximum ecological compatibility of their homes, try to purchase panels made of natural wood. Such a finishing material looks very beautiful, the structure of the tree is demonstrated in all its splendor. In addition, decorative wooden panels for interior decoration of walls immediately give the room an unusual comfort. In the process of exploitation, the tree does not release toxic substances into the air. However, when purchasing this natural material, it is worth considering that the tree is prone to damage from moisture, is a combustible material and can be deformed during operation. All these drawbacks require that the paneled walls are either covered with additional protective equipment, or it is worth already buying pre-processed options.