Vegeto-vascular dystonia - treatment with folk remedies

The most frequent and, at the same time, poorly understood diagnosis is neurocirculatory or vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD). About 50% of women suffer from this disease, especially at a young age, up to 35 years. At the same time, there are no special pharmacological preparations, due to which vegeto-vascular dystonia disappears - treatment with folk remedies can become an excellent and effective alternative to classical therapies.

Does the treatment of vegetative-vascular or neurocirculatory dystonia depend on people's remedies for her symptoms?

The symptoms of VSD may vary. The main clinical manifestations make it possible to classify the pathology under consideration into 2 groups - according to the hypertonic and hypotonic type.

In the first case, there is an increased systolic and diastolic pressure and accompanying symptoms. With hypotonic neurocirculatory dystonia, the pressure is too low, which is accompanied by weakness, constant fatigue.

The methods of therapy should be selected accordingly the varieties of the VSD.

How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertonic type with folk remedies?

One of the most effective and fastest ways to cope with the symptoms of VSD, as well as reduce blood pressure is a drug from white mistletoe.

Recipe for infusion


Preparation and use

Pour over the boiled water grass, cover the container with a lid or a plate. Leave to infuse for 60 minutes. Strain, divide the entire volume of the solution into 3 equal portions, which should be taken during the day shortly before meals.

The entire course of treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in this folk way will take 3 weeks, after which it is recommended to take a break for 7 days and again to repeat the therapy twice more.

Folk methods of treatment of hypotonic vegetative-vascular dystonia

Normalize blood pressure, increase the tone of the body helps a special tool based on echinacea.

The recipe for the collection


Preparation and use

Grind and mix the components of phytosbores, 1 tbsp. Spoon pour hot or still boiling water, insist about 15 minutes. Strain the remedy, add honey to it. Drink the medicine within 24 hours, dividing the entire volume by 3 times. Drink in between meals.

Repeat daily for 4 weeks. It is enough 1-2 courses in a year.