What if the shoes fall off?

Hardly anyone will argue with the need to always carefully choose the size of shoes - because walking in both small and too large shoes is equally uncomfortable. But sometimes there are cases when it is simply impossible to refuse buying a liked pair, but it remains in a single size - only half a size or a size larger than your usual. In this article we will tell you what to do if the shoes fall off their feet.

Why do the shoes fall off the heel?

The reasons why the shoes fall from the foot (heels), maybe a few - the wrong size of shoes, very smooth (slippery) tights, unsuitable for lifting the shoe. It is very difficult to pick up shoes for girls with narrow feet - standard shoes, suitable for the length, are too wide and just hang out on their feet.

How to make sure that shoes do not fall off?

There are several ways to combat this problem. The simplest and most reliable thing is to carry it to the master, so that he adjusts the favorite pair to the size and volume of your legs. But such a procedure can cost a lot and is hardly suitable for cheap shoes - there is no sense to overpay for the fit more than the shoes themselves.

If shoes with a closed toe, special problems with a large size should not arise - you can just put a wad of cotton wool in the nose of the shoes. And even better - buy special anti-slip silicone inserts in shoes.

It also happens that the shoes are completely suited to you in size, but when walking, the leg slides down. In this case, you will also need silicone insole, inlays or special narrow stripes for sticking on the straps of shoes.

If you want to reduce the size of the shoes themselves, soak them with warm water and leave to dry at room temperature. This should "pull off" the material and make the shoes a little less. But be careful - such experiments can damage the shoes. Do not dry shoes near the battery or other sources of heat.

An important factor for slip reduction is the choice of tights - smooth stockings and tights can cause slipping of the leg, but stockings with a mesh or with a volume pattern, on the contrary, keep the shoes well, and can help you get rid of the problem of falling shoes.