Pulse is the norm in terms of age and the best ways to correct heart rate

One of the most important indicators of health is the pulse - the norm by age allows you to detect an imbalance in the body's work in time. Heart rate is very important. It is taken into account in the diagnosis of various diseases, including cardiac pathologies.

How to measure the pulse?

This indicator is used to characterize the fluctuations in the reduction of the heart muscle. Blood passes through the vessels and strikes against their walls. These tremors are called "pulses". The heart rate - the norm in adults - is characterized by such indicators:

There are venous, arterial and capillary pulses - the norm varies considerably by age. The frequency of impacts can be measured in several places of the body:

The pulse can be measured in two ways:

  1. Hardware - it involves the use of smart gadgets. Measurement is performed with special clocks, wristbands, pulse oximeters and electronic tonometers. The devices automatically count the data, process it and display the results on the dial.
  2. Palpatory is a classic method. Although it is possible to count the frequency of pulsations at different parts of the body, this index is often determined by the artery located on the wrist. To get reliable results, you need to correctly measure the pulse.

The palpation method includes such actions:

  1. Take a watch or a stopwatch. This device is necessary in order to accurately measure a certain length of time.
  2. Before calculating the pulse, you need to sit down and calm down.
  3. The left wrist should be clasped with a brush of the right hand or just fingers to attach to the artery.
  4. It is necessary to record the time (30 or 60 seconds) and calculate the number of beats during this time interval.
  5. Check the results with what the pulse rate is by age - the table helps to assess the real state.
  6. If necessary, repeat the measurement on the second hand.

However, there are a number of factors that affect the results. They do not provide an opportunity to identify accurate data. These factors include:

What should be the pulse?

The frequency of heartbeats even in a healthy person can vary greatly. This indicator is influenced by many factors, for example, the presence of mental and physical loads. After suffering severe stress, the pulse rate increases to 140 shocks per minute. Physical exercise, for example, sports, contributes to the fact that the heart rate reaches 90-100 strokes in 60 seconds.

The normal pulse of a person is 60-90 jerks per minute. The rhythm of the heart can change at different times of the day:

Rate of heart rate in women by age

Throughout life, the representatives of the fair sex change the value of the pulse. Every decade lived add 5-10 beats per minute to the indicators, which are considered to be the standard. The pulse rate for women (a unit of time - 60 seconds) at different stages of life is:

High Pulse - Causes

A rapid heartbeat in medicine is called tachycardia. A high pulse is provoked by various factors. These include serious diseases:

Calling up the pulse may take certain medications:

A similar result is provided by the use of vasoconstrictive drugs (Tizin, Naftizin). In addition, the pulse rate of such means increases:

The following factors can speed up the heartbeat:

High pulse at high pressure

Tachycardia with hypertension is very dangerous. This state causes many systems to work in the enhanced mode. Rapid pulse can testify that the following pathologies are observed in the body:

High pulse at low pressure

No less dangerous to health tandem tachycardia with hypotension. Increased pulse is provoked by such factors:

High pulse at normal pressure

There are the following types of tachycardia:

The maximum heart rate often occurs for the following reasons:

High pulse - what to do?

With a sharp increase in heart rate, you should try to calm down as much as possible. To do this, you can drink a glass of water and lie down. After 10-15 minutes it is necessary to measure the pulse again - the norm at ages will allow an objective assessment of the situation and determine if it has been corrected. If the heart rate has returned to normal, you can continue your daily activities.

When you can not bring the pulse through the age to the proper state, the following soothing agents can be used:

In addition, to achieve the rate of heart rate, you can take the following measures:

  1. Open the window so that fresh air enters the room.
  2. Lightly press on the eyeballs.
  3. A little cough (this will contribute to atrial fibrillation).
  4. You can wash your face or face it in cold water.

You can not be frivolous about tachycardia. If the pulse varies greatly - the norm at ages and the actual value, you need to go to the doctor without delay. The specialist will assign a diagnosis to identify the causes that provoke such a condition. He knows better how to lower the heart rate, so he will prescribe the optimal course of therapy.

It is important to follow the doctor's instructions exactly. If untimely treatment starts or does not undergo a complete therapeutic course, serious problems can arise:

Low heart rate - reasons

Reduction of heart rate is called bradycardia. A low pulse is caused by causes that can be attributed to one of three groups:

For physiological reasons include the following:

Cardiac pathologies that cause bradycardia:

Causes that are attributed to non-cardiac pathologies that provoke a bradycardia are as follows:

Low pulse at high pressure

Bradycardia in hypertensive patients is more often observed with a sharp change in the temperature of the environment. The heart rate decreases rapidly when you leave the warm room on the street in frost and vice versa. In addition, a sharp drop in the pulse is caused by the following reasons:

Low pulse at low pressure

Such a tandem is very dangerous. It can cause dizziness, fainting and even death. The low heart rate with hypotension can be caused by the following reasons:

Low pulse at normal pressure

This condition indicates the dysfunction of certain organs and systems. More often the pulse in an adult is reduced for the following reasons:

Low heart rate - what to do?

The situation can not be neglected. If the pulse is reduced (the actual data and the norm do not coincide in ages), medical care is needed. Correctly to cope with this problem through their efforts will not work. It is necessary to consult a cardiologist. He will appoint a full survey to identify the factors that provoke the problem. Then, taking into account the results obtained, and what is the rate of heart rate in women, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Such therapy may include the administration of Ascoffen, Coguitum, Alupent and Cordarone.

Increase the pulse in women will help the following manipulations:

  1. Reception of tonic means - preparations based on lemongrass, eleutherococcus, radiola rosea. However, along with the pulse, these medications increase blood pressure.
  2. Presence in the diet of sweets. Especially good with this task is coping with black chocolate.
  3. Drinking coffee or tea.
  4. Moderate physical exercises.
  5. Hot baths with the addition of tonic aromatic oils.
  6. Mustard compresses on the occipital zone.
  7. The presence of spicy food in the diet. It improves the blood flow of chili.