Inoculations to German Shepherd puppies

When a puppy appears in the house, then immediately the caring owners have a lot of new problems - it is necessary to protect the small creature from dangerous diseases that can be trapped in the street. Acute infection can kill a baby for a couple of days. Well, if there is a qualified veterinarian nearby, but he can not always quickly help. It is best to vaccinate your pet in time to minimize any risk. Here are the questions for beginners dog breeders who first encountered this problem. When should I vaccinate a puppy in order not to miss this important procedure?

Schedule of vaccinations for puppies

Before you start vaccines, you need to know the golden rule - you can only vaccinate a healthy puppy! It is necessary that the animal does not have fever, lethargy or diarrhea. A few days before the procedure, periodically check the body temperature. This can be done easily by putting a Vaseline-blown thermometer in the anus, for three or five minutes. If the temperature does not exceed 39 degrees, then this is considered normal. Still it is necessary to conduct dehelminthization of an animal, after all at the kid infected with worms very weak immunity. In this case, the vaccination will not have the desired effect.

If your puppy's parents were vaccinated on time, then about 6-8 weeks you should not worry. At birth, the baby gets immunity from his mother, who helps him to survive without problems his first month of life. But then any extension can threaten a great danger to his health. The effectiveness of vaccination can be guaranteed only with strict adherence to the vaccination calendar.

The first vaccination of a German shepherd puppy is carried out about a month and a half against hepatitis, coronavirus enteritis and parvovirus enteritis . For a very long time, coronavirus enteritis was a serious problem, as there was no vaccine against it, but now this gap has been eliminated. There are vaccines, both domestic and imported. Some of them work immediately from a number of diseases. "Parvovac" helps against viral hepatitis and parvovirus enteritis, and "Triovac" - is effective against enteritis, hepatitis and adenovirus. The next procedure is carried out in only 10-14 days - this is an obligatory re-vaccination.

In addition to the diseases listed above, there are also other infections that can affect your pet. The second mandatory vaccination of the puppy - from the plague, it must be done at the age of two and a half months. Previously, it does not make sense, but the delay in this business is fraught with danger. Repeated vaccination is carried out at six or seven months, when your puppy has already completed the change of teeth. The following vaccines are most often used against plague: "Vakchum", 668-CF or EPM. In any case, it is necessary to repeat the inoculation against the plague every year. The third inoculation puppy is conducted against rabies. It is done in eight months, immediately after a second vaccination against the plague. In addition, there are drugs that can be used once a year against other diseases - leptospirosis, lichen, trichophytosis, pyroplasmosis. Viral disease is always much easier to prevent than treat after infection.

Vaccines are both monovalent and polyvalent ("Hexadog", "Nobivac"). The first act against one disease, and the second immediately against several infections. There are supporters of both the first and the second method. Qualitative western vaccines in various combinations may contain components against plague, hepatitis, leptospirosis, adenovirus, rabies or other dangerous diseases. It is necessary to study the instructions to them, because there may be differences in the schedule of vaccinations. Applying polyvalent drugs, it is somewhat easier to compile a vaccination schedule, but it is better to use them already for adult animals, supporting the previously developed immunity in animals. Although the body is easier to develop a protective mechanism in turn against each disease, but the process of vaccination is somewhat delayed. Timely vaccinations for German Shepherd puppies are vital procedures that are currently the most effective means to preserve the health of your pet.