What is the food to feed the cat?

It is important to make a diet based on how much the food is absorbed with pleasure. To feed a cat with a rejected food is not an easy task, no matter how attractive it may seem to the owner after viewing the advertisement. If the preferences of the pet are not met, then it will not eat regularly, and as a result, the digestive system will suffer and the appearance will worsen. The first indicator that a cat receives a balanced diet is a shiny coat. Any deterioration in appearance signals a deficiency in important nutritional components.

Among the general recommendations, it should be noted that 2/3 of the food should consist of a soft variety, the closest to the animal's food in natural conditions, and already as an additive, it is necessary to leave 20-40 grams of dry granules in a bowl. It is also worthwhile to monitor the weight of seals and, if necessary, reduce daily servings.

Wet food

How to feed the cat with food so that she can quickly restore strength, and he did not seem to her monotonous? Canned food is as close to nature as possible to the food that animals hunt in natural conditions. And the liquid content is at the optimum level. But it is worth remembering that canned products quickly deteriorate after the bank is opened.

Dry food

Absence of moisture is a lack of dry croquettes. Among the qualities that give the advantage in his favor is that you can leave the pet alone, pre-pouring croquettes in a bowl. In addition, hard pieces will clean the teeth. The remains of dry food for a long time do not deteriorate, but it is necessary to keep the bag closed: a constant influx of air reduces its appeal to taste, and the satiating properties decrease.

What kind of natural food to feed the cat?

The task of a natural diet is to feed the cat as it eats in natural conditions. The method is based mainly on raw meat and non-artifical products. The diet does not include cereals, since they are able to cause feline diseases. The diet includes 80% of raw meat and 20% of additives in the form of eggs, yogurt and fish. Do not damage raw vegetables and fruits if the pet takes this kind of supplements.

What is the feed for the sterilized cat?

Pet stores offer special types of nutrition for castrated animals. But we must admit that this is a marketing move. Most feeds are created with the selection of microelements and reduced caloric content, and these are the criteria that are important for sterilized animals.

Subdivisions of nutrition for animals by class

The question of what kind of food you can feed cats to not harm your health, most often refers to the class of food for animals that exists in several ways:

  1. The economy class is designed to satisfy hunger, but the quality of raw materials is low. The brands "Whiskas" and "Friskis", "Kitikat", "Meow", "Darling" are undesirable to use as the main food.
  2. The premium class can boast of the presence of meat in the composition. " Royal Canin ", "Hills", "BozitaEukanubu", "Belkando", "Yams", "Brit" are not too expensive and nutritious enough.
  3. The super-premium class is made up of well-balanced nutrient components. "Bosch Sanabel", "ArdenGrange", "FestChoice" are chosen by people without financial problems.

It is common knowledge that cats love milk, but it turns out that you can not give it to purrs. And eating from the table can also hurt. What kind of food can be fed to cats, if the moisture of the product and the fact that it is absorbed with appetite are not indicators? The rule is one: either the landlady prepares for the cat, or buys canned goods.