Can I sew on Good Friday?

Good Friday is the day that Jesus was crucified. This day is dedicated to remembrance of his sufferings and suffered torments. Therefore, on Good Friday, there are ascribed so many restrictions that Orthodox people must necessarily adhere to.

On this day, it is strictly forbidden to engage in business dedicated to the au pair. Naturally, many mistresses will wonder whether it is possible to sew on Good Friday. Perhaps, for some, the answer will seem strange, but it's strictly forbidden to sew on Good Friday, as well as washing, and cutting. If you violated this prohibition, then you know that you committed a great sin. It is worth knowing that the true Orthodox, observing all the strict rules of Lent , do not even wash themselves.

On Great Friday it's also not customary to have fun, and it is believed that the one who laughed that day will cry the next year.

Why can not I sew on Good Friday?

Good Friday symbolizes the crucifixion of the cross, and therefore to thrust a sharp object anywhere (especially if it is made of metal) is a blasphemous action. Therefore, on the question of whether it is possible to sew on Good Friday, if you are a believing Christian, only a negative answer without any exceptions.

For the same reason on this day it is forbidden to pierce the ground with metal objects (shovels, rakes, etc.). The one who breaks the ban, will pursue misfortune and bad luck for a whole year.

Various restrictions are encouraged on this day. For example, someone who has not drunk water all day, then can drink without harm to himself any liquid in any volumes. It is highly undesirable to work, as the whole day should be fully dedicated to chanting the sufferings of Jesus.