How to feed a puppy - 1 month?

Having decided to take a puppy to the house, you thereby assume the responsibility not only for his upbringing, but also for sure feeding. Indeed, in order for a puppy to turn into a strong and healthy handsome dog, you must organize the proper and rational nutrition of your pet.

What to feed the monthly puppies?

As a rule, up to the age of 45-60 days the basis of nutrition of puppies is mother's milk - an indispensable source of protective antibodies. But breeders already starting from two or three weeks of age begin to introduce lure for puppies in the form of an egg-milk cocktail (one egg for a glass of milk in the first 2-3 days and then one egg for 400-500 ml of milk). With the question of how to feed the puppy milk especially do not philosophize - the usual cow, and if possible - goat. Some dog breeders also use infant formula for this purpose. Then, semi-liquid milk porridges are gradually introduced into the diet (the cumulative "milk" portion reaches 400 g / day). And here there may be one more question, what kind of porridge can the puppy feed? First of all, of course, porridge made of buckwheat. Then you can recommend porridge from boiled rice, manga, quality "Hercules". Then, as a complementary meal, scrambled beef or veal is introduced.

Therefore, taking a puppy at the age of about 30-45 days, try not to introduce any new products in the first few days, the ration should remain the same as in the case of feeding the breeder. But in the future, in order not to face the problem, than to feed the puppy in 1 month and how often to feed the puppy, pay attention to some recommendations:

  1. At the age of one to two months, the frequency of puppy feeding is 3-4 hours with a six-hour night break.
  2. At least once a week, a monthly puppy should receive meat (only fresh!) And meat products.
  3. The puppy's diet should be quite diverse in one month. In addition to meat and dairy food, give the puppy fish (only marine! The river can be infected with helminths) - a source of phosphorus and iodine. Be sure to give raw vegetables (grated or cut into small pieces) - a source of vitamins .
  4. Since the puppies grow quickly enough, it is necessary to add foods with a high content of calcium in the diet (sometimes it is recommended to add to the main food pharmacy calcium products, powdered into powder), as well as cod liver oil.

Diet according to the breed of the puppy

An important aspect of organizing proper nutrition of puppies is that you must take into account the breed of the dog whose puppy you took. So the nutrition of puppies of large breeds should be distinguished by an increased protein content. Therefore, consider, for example, what to feed a month-old puppy of a sheepdog and how to feed a month-old Labrador puppy, as the most popular representatives of large breeds of dogs. As already mentioned, for a full-fledged development such puppies need nutrition with high protein content. The best source of protein, of course, is meat. At a month's age, you can give scrambled beef, veal, and then gradually introduce into the diet soups with meat broth, porridge with raw meat cut, raw fish (sea!), Eggs, sour-milk products (especially calcined cottage cheese). You can give wheat bread soaked in milk - a source of vitamin B. From the age of three weeks, the puppies are always exposed to fresh water. For a day the number of feedings should be at least six. And the main indicator of the correctness of feeding can be considered an increase in the puppy in weight (150-170 g / day). Attention! To avoid burns of the oral mucosa, watch the temperature of the food (lower the finger in a bowl with food - the food should be slightly warm). A full-fledged diet is a guarantee of good health and an excellent appearance of your pet.