How to stop loving a guy?

"Passed love, there will be no more meetings ...", with these words you closed the door and happily stared out the window. Finally, one does not need to support these burdensome relationships, and one can do what is interesting, without looking back to the second half. Well, if everything is approximately so, what if the feelings are left? How to quickly stop loving a former boyfriend? To begin to stop crying in the pillow and repeat "I want to stop loving and forget the former guy, but it's impossible, because how can you forget the guy you love?". No, if such a state of affairs suits you, then please, spare yourself any more. It will not lead to anything good, only you will develop dependence on the sadly depressed state, do you need it? If you definitely decided to change everything, try to listen to the advice of psychologists who know more than one way how to forget and stop loving a guy. And to make it easier to cope with the problem, let's expand it into components, answering the question "What contributes to your sadness?".

Everything in the house reminds him of it

So what prevents you from getting rid of annoying stimuli? All in the furnace: common photos, gifts, postcards. You can just tear to pieces and throw it away, or you can arrange a whole witch ritual to burn everything up, saying something like "how these things crumble away with ashes, so my love for you disappears." By the way, you did not forget to erase the numbers of his phones? What, left just in case? On what, such a case? No, it will not work, we delete numbers from the phone's memory, we tear out a page from a notebook or telephone directories - you will not need this information any more. Will you say that the entire city reminds you of the previous relationship? Well, if everything is so serious, pack your things and move. Although you can try and less cardinal way to forget - go on vacation. And then on your return you will remember not about the kisses under that willow, but about the passionate party (morning, night, day) spent under the palm tree.

He was so good ...

Are you sure that your ex-prince is on a white horse? Did he have any flaws at all, not one? And he remembered all the significant dates, and never argued with you, and in general just an ideal? True? It's like a living person, you did not invent it yourself? Well, it happens that our memory sometimes refuses, especially when it comes to loved ones. But who is stopping you from helping her? No, now we are not talking about deep self-interest. Do you have the best friend who witnessed the development of relations with your ex? Well, so ask her to help, let him express everything he thinks about him, only let him not be limited to the capacious phrase "Yes he is not a good person!", Let him justify his point of view. I can vouch, you will learn a lot of new things. The best friends they are, until you are all right, with comments will not climb, but that does not mean that they do not notice anything.

There was so much free time!

Also what, it is a problem? Yes, many dream of at least one extra minute! And you see in this the reason for discouragement. Well, well, do not like you so much free time, so borrow it with something. All the same, than, work, a new hobby, sports, a new guy. And what, the best way to stop loving the former guy, fall in love with the new one!

Who needs me, except him?

First, let's define what you mean by "that"? Ugly, uninteresting? Excuse me, but because of whom you became such a person, why did you stop watching yourself? And you still regret who helped you from a bright personality to turn into a gray, invisible person? Well, anyway, we take ourselves in hand. You are for sure a very interesting conversationalist and have a charming appearance. So we are reviewing the wardrobe, cosmetic bag, put ourselves in order and again come to the mirror. Well, is that better? Well, then go ahead, to conquer the male hearts.