45 unprincipled cats who can fall asleep anywhere

It seems that the whole life of felines consists only of sleep, with interruptions for eating delicious food and dispersing the apartment of invisible demons. And it's not a fact ... Sleep can overcome them at any moment, suddenly and even unexpectedly!

And, believe me, from this second they do not care anymore, since they can sleep anywhere and in absolutely any position ...

1. You understand a lot in comfort!

2. Or maybe it is so convenient ...

3. I have already warmed the place!

4. It's useful for posture!

5. But no one will disturb ...

6. You need to sleep quickly until you notice and start to squeeze!

7. A cat's dream of feng shui!

8. Go away, he who wants to wake me!

9. It looks like the owner is repeating everything for me!

10. Straight feel that in this pose I dream the best dreams ...

11. But it's warm ...

12. You did not see me ...

13. How good is it!

14. When you can not deny yourself romance even while you sleep ...

15. Finally I found the best bed!

16. You thought I was not here ...

17. Try it yourself, it's so convenient here!

18. I do not understand what it is that I'm after all day, like beaten ...

19. Barsik, do not snore ...

20. That's what I understand - the design box!

21. Synchronous sleep.

22. Pass by, there's nobody here ...

23. You thought I was just screwing up my eyes ...

24. This running off me ...

25. And let the whole world wait!

26. I realized that I would be better off here than you ...

27. Work is not a wolf ...

28. Each cat should have its own box for sleep!

29. Somehow I did not want to sleep at the time ...

30. Your picnic is canceled!

31. Shhh ...

32. Well, give me five more minutes to take a nap ...

33. I sleep here for a week, but they only discovered ...

34. I was playing, I was playing and ... I fell asleep

35. Do not look for me, I'm not!

36. Your flowers have found where to grow!

37. A little Pokemary and again into battle ...

38. Manka asked her to guard!

39. I like to relax in nature ...

40. And then nothing here is not rearranged ...

41. I could not decide where I prefer

42. Do you really need this red dress?

43. Ow, dream, you caught me off guard!

44. Try it, you will like it too!

45. All sweet dreams ...