25 ingenious works of national craftsmen

Household problems in each house are solved differently. Someone is calling the master. Someone is buying a broken replacement thing. But there is one special category of people.

They try to fix everything on their own, and, as a rule, they use improvised materials for this. The result is ... awesome. But the main thing is that the main problem is solved!

1. The power cable constantly dropped out of the socket, and the owners solved it with the help of Velcro.

2. When the shower head broke, and you urgently need to wash and there is no time to run after the new part.

3. That's what happens when a jack of all trades decides to bake something.

4. A little ridiculous, but quite functional replacement for a broken notebook.

5. Dad quickly figured out how to fix the broken regulator in the car.

6. Budget version of acoustics for the iPhone.

7. If suddenly, once on your laptop, the mount breaks, remember this idea.

8. It turns out that a broken rear view mirror could be repaired so easily!

9. Of course, there was no other way to fix the toilet.

10. What do you think this design is for? OK, we will not torment you! Its owners built after the water heater broke down ...

11. Do not try to get rid of the old TV only because it broke the power button.

12. Here's what sacrifices you have to go wishing to watch the internet broadcast of the match of your favorite team on the big screen ...

13. These engineers know a lot about cooling systems.

14. Sometimes laptops get too hot. Then this kind of construction comes to the rescue.

15. In the picture below you can see a brilliant solution to the problem with the crane. Yes, it's a cocktail, do not you think!

16. There is almost no doubt: the use of this design for the purpose can kill.

17. The case when you have cinnamon rolls, but there is no baking sheet.

18. In general, an ordinary plastic bottle has hundreds of thousands of applications.

19. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

20. This person is either genius, or has no idea what fire safety is, and why it should be adhered to.

21. Of course, there was no other solution to the problem and could not be.

22. It is difficult to determine what is the best way to start describing this invention ...

23. It seems that manufacturers of automobile headlights do not eat their bread in vain.

24. Hot water is very valuable, because its extraction can claim victims.

25. Scotch solves all problems. Including those that are associated with the installation of a "ceiling" fan.