Galactorrhea in women

Galactorrhea is a condition that is accompanied by secretions from the mammary glands. It is most often found in women, but can be in men and even in children. If the galactorrhea is not associated with pregnancy and lactation, then it may indicate hormonal disorders or other diseases. Discharges can occur spontaneously or when touched, they are permanent or periodic, remind milk or be of a different color. It depends on what caused this state.

Causes of galactorrhea

The allocation of milk in women is regulated by certain hormones, mainly prolactin. In a period not associated with the feeding of a child, its level may increase due to hormonal failures in the body. A galactorrhea with normal prolactin can be caused by the following factors:

Symptoms of the galactorrhea

The most important sign of the presence of this disease is the separation of droplets of liquid from the chest. If it has a reddish color, it may be a symptom of the development of the tumor and requires immediate medical attention. But with galactorrhea, women may have other symptoms:

If a woman observes the appearance of such symptoms in her, she needs to see a doctor and conduct a survey to determine the cause of this condition. Very often, after stopping medications and changing lifestyle, discharge from the breast glands ceases. But if other factors have caused the appearance of galactorrhea, the treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Most often - drugs that reduce the level of prolactin in the blood, and the normalization of the functions of the endocrine system. Sometimes for the cessation of symptoms it is required to cure the underlying disease that caused the galactorrhea syndrome.

With time-started treatment, many complications can be prevented. Therefore, a woman needs to monitor the condition of the mammary glands and regularly undergo an examination with a doctor.