Pumpkin Oil

Even in antiquity, this product was considered a panacea for all diseases, and its cost was comparable to those of pure gold. Modern medicine also recommends that everyone take pumpkin oil to treat and prevent pathologies of internal organs and body systems. Moreover, the agent is actively used even in cosmetology.

Properties and composition of pumpkin oil

The product described includes:

Actions of pumpkin oil:

The use of pumpkin seed oil

Regular use of this natural product produces the following effects:

How to take pumpkin oil?

With diseases of the digestive system and intestines, constipation, it is recommended to drink 2 teaspoons of the product 30 minutes before each meal (three times a day). The entire course of therapy lasts 15 days, you can repeat it in six months.

For the treatment of kidney pathologies, cystitis, inflammation of the urinary bladder, you need to take 1 teaspoon of oil every day. If you suffer severe pain - repeat the procedure 1-2 more times. The total volume of the drunk product should be 400 ml.

Get rid of manifestations of cholecystitis and dyskinesia of the biliary tract can be by taking 5 ml of pumpkin oil 3 times a day, 1 hour before a meal.

To strengthen the immune system, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, it is recommended to drink 1-2 teaspoons of the product 2 hours before meals, not more than 2 times a day.