9 unexplained oddities of animal behavior

Everyone has an oddity, even in animals. Some of them can be explained. But there are such zamorochki, over which scientists have been struggling for ten years. Below are the most interesting puzzles. Maybe you can solve them?

1. Cows know where the South and North

On grazing, cows always go in the direction of "North - South". To wander to the east or west, the burrs begin only when they are near power lines. Why this happens, and what guided animals, choosing this direction, is unknown. But there is reason to believe that the whole point is that cows have an internal compass that helps them determine the location of the Earth's magnetic poles.

2. Animals know how to predict earthquakes

A well-known fact that animals know about earthquakes in advance. How does this happen? Most animals experience P-waves that precede jerks, and this gives them a few seconds or even minutes to save. But there are also such individuals - rats and snakes, for example - who learn about the impending earthquake a few weeks before the cataclysm. They have not yet shared their predictions with people ...

3. Crows know how to be offended

Ravens are one of the smartest birds on the planet. They are cunning and petty. And they are also vindictive. Studies have shown that birds caught in danger or wounded, remembered the faces of their abusers and could recognize them even after several years. Having seen and identified the "villain", some crows were just alert, while others tried to attack and revenge.

4. Sharks can always find their way home

They travel long distances. But wherever a shark swims, she can always go home. The scientists came to the conclusion that not only the inner compass but also the sense of smell helps to orient oneself to the depth of predators, and they decided to test their theory by hammering the noses of the experimental individuals with cotton balls. The result of the experiment was as follows: sharks with clean noses returned much more. Predators with cotton balls got to a lesser extent, and their path was longer. Obviously, the scent really plays an important role in orienting the terrain. But we can not exclude the fact that sharks could be disoriented only because they were disturbed by extraneous objects in their noses.

5. Migrations of white sharks

Even if predators go to sea with a whole group, each of the members of the "team" moves chaotically. Some float closer to the shore, while others prefer to navigate the depth. But no matter how dispersed they did not move, in the end all sharks meet in one place.

6. Monkey Wars Chimpanzee

They are fighting in large groups against each other. What is the cause of the conflict is not known, but many theories have been put forward on this score. Some believe that the whole thing is in the human instincts laid by the chimpanzee at the gene level. Others think that all the blame - human intervention. Whatever it was, if suddenly one day in the jungle you meet a furious flock of monkeys, try to quickly retire from there.

7. Cuckoo Migrations

As you know, cuckoos are born among representatives of other species. Mother-cuckoos throw their eggs into nests to other birds and are washed away, shifting all responsibility for raising chicks on adoptive mothers. Nevertheless, when the cuckoos reach a certain age, they fly away from the nests to Africa - to meet with representatives of their own kind. How this happens is a mystery, because the cuckoo chicks do not spend a day in the company of their kind and do not even know about their existence. Some ornithologists believe that it's all about DNA. Simply put, at some point the birds hear an inner voice directing them to Africa.

8. Loneliness of ants

Ants live by one big happy family and feel quite comfortable. What happens when an insect remains alone for some reason? This is very sad, but in most cases, the solitude of the ants leads to their death. When insects remain alone, they fall into depression and die. And it's not about their inability to live alone. Even if the ant gets into comfortable conditions with enough food and water, he will most likely begin to starve and die of anguish.

9. Animals games

It's one thing for pets, who have nothing to do. But wild animals. It would seem that they should not have enough time to play, and they play, and as selflessly and cheerfully as ordinary cats. What is it - carelessness, stupidity? No, you did not guess. It's just a way to let off steam and relax for adult beasts and sharpen dexterity - for toddlers.