The dog tried to save Leonardo DiCaprio from the bear, and it just touches!

The dramatic thriller "Survivor" in 2015 deservedly won the love of the audience, all sorts of cinematic awards for the entire director's staff and brought the most long-awaited statuette to the starring role - Leonardo DiCaprio.

And it's not at all surprising that even our little friends are delighted with him! In a word, now you will understand everything ...

Quite recently he was seated by an English bulldog named Khaleesi. No, well, what ?? And this four-armed with all his heart was worried about Glass, whom John Fitzgerald treacherously left to die alone. And when the main character was attacked by a bear, the heart of a dog could not stand it!

Khalisi literally broke off and rushed to help Leonardo DiCaprio escape from the terrible beast! You will not believe it, but this fellow got into trouble and the man's fear on the screen so much that he began to bark furiously, thinking that in this way he would scare away the evil animal from the actor ...

And this is while his friend Elvis looked indifferently at what was happening from the couch!

In general, it's all so touching that you just can not help but look ...