Acne on head in hair

Means of acne on the face and on the body very much, but if the pimples appeared on the head, in the hair, almost all of them will be useless. The causes of this unpleasant phenomenon are often quite different, and therefore the ways of fighting such pimples differ.

Why are there pimples on my head in my hair?

Purulent pimples on the head in the hair do not arise by themselves, the causes of their appearance are covered in a bacterial infection. Sebaceous glands between the hair follicles produce a protective hydrolipid layer of fat, which protects the delicate scalp from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. If in this process there is a failure, inflammation begins, which provokes painful acne. The skin under the hair is very thin and sensitive.

Here are the main causes of acne on the head in the hair:

At first glance, it may seem that hormones have nothing to do with, but it's not. Like teenage acne, acne under the hair on the head can be caused by problems with the thyroid, adrenal or pituitary gland. Among other symptoms - increased sweating, lethargy, irritability.

Too fat, or spicy food can activate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

With a rare washing of the head, favorable conditions for the multiplication of bacteria are created, with frequent risks of microtrauma, damaging the protective layer of the skin.

Allergy painful pimples on the head in the hair is rare, but it happens. Try to remember if you did not take new medicines the day before, or used delicious food products.

How to treat acne on the head in the hair?

To solve a delicate problem, an integrated approach is required. We have prepared for you a list of the most useful recommendations:

  1. Adjust the head wash. If the hair and scalp are prone to fat, do not be afraid to wash them daily, but use a special soft shampoo with a low acidity. Do not massage the roots of hair. If the skin is prone to dryness, reduce the number of procedures to 1-2 times per week. Do not apply balms and conditioners to the scalp and roots.
  2. Change the pillowcase on the pillow daily. Wash your hair and other hair care tools. Wash the hat at least once a week.
  3. Follow the principles of healthy eating. Once a week, arrange a vegetable or kefir unloading day.
  4. Get rid of the habit of scratching the back of your head and running your fingers into your hair.
  5. Maintain moderate physical activity.

There are several ways to quickly get rid of acne on the head. In sanatoriums and dispensaries physicians prefer to appoint sulfur baths. We are quite suitable ointments, which contain sulfur, for example - Sulsen. It should be used according to the instructions, or applied pointwise.

Good in the fight against acne proved herbal infusions, which suitable for rinsing hair. Effective are calendula, nettle, or chamomile.

It is possible to apply special means such as Zinerit or Skinoren to especially painful acne, but before that it is advisable to consult a doctor.

In the case of confirmation of the diagnosis of "allergy" it is permissible to use antihistamines. Most often appointed Suprastin and Tavegil. It is important to remember that such remedies only facilitate the course of the disease, but do not relieve the allergy itself. Completely stop the re-emergence of acne, you can only after you calculate the product provocateur and refuse to use it. Speech in this case is not only about food and medicine, but also cosmetic products.