Hormonal failure in women

In gynecological practice, the concept of "hormonal failure", observed in women of different ages, has become quite widespread. Causes, from which there is a hormonal failure , a large number. Despite their diversity, they all lead to increased production or the lack of hormones. The main causes leading to hormonal failure in girls are:

As a rule, any hormonal disorder does not pass without a trace. Its result is various disorders of the body, from deterioration of the general condition, to disruption of the work of organs and systems. Often, hormonal failure is the cause of infertility.


Any woman with a suspicion of a hormonal failure in her body should be alerted. The main manifestations of hormonal failure are:

If these manifestations are detected, a woman needs to urgently address her gynecologist, who will give certain recommendations and prescribe a treatment.

Often young girls complain that they do not have a period of time for a long time, which is also a manifestation of hormonal failure in the body.

When is it observed?

The most common hormonal failure occurs after a miscarriage or an abortion. This is due to the fact that the female body has undergone numerous changes during the current pregnancy. So, hormones from the group of estrogens begin to be released in a larger amount, and a gonadotropic hormone is synthesized in the female body.

At the same time, many women note a hormonal failure after stopping their lactation. This is due to a decrease in the level of prolactin in the blood. In order to bring the body back to normal, a woman is prescribed hormonal drugs.


In order to correctly identify hormonal failure in the body and prescribe treatment, various laboratory tests are carried out. So, the most important of them is the blood test for hormones. This method allows you to clearly identify violations in the body of a woman and determine whether this hormonal failure, or, for example, the emergence of pregnancy.


Many women sometimes do not know what their hormonal failure is threatening, and they let the situation go by themselves, thinking that this is a temporary phenomenon that will pass by itself at the end of time. This belief is erroneous.

Any hormonal imbalance in the body requires correction and competent treatment. Untimely treatment of hormonal failure, can lead to the following consequences:

Thus, hormonal failure is quite a serious problem for today, the decision of which concerns a large number of women. The main factor in its decision is the timely access for help to a gynecologist, who, after finding out the reasons and diagnosing, will prescribe the necessary treatment for a woman.