Angelina Jolie first appeared in public after parting with Brad Pitt

41-year-old Angelina Jolie, who decided to divorce her husband, retired to avoid everyone's attention. Reporters only once were able to capture the actress, who, along with the offspring, came to Malibu to watch the new house. The other day, Jolie again announced herself, recording a video for the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Public Affairs

Unlike the 52-year-old Brad Pitt, who started to appear, Angelina Jolie does not appear on secular parties and does not attend the premier. However, for the sake of work, Angie, like Brad, is ready to make an exception.

Last Saturday, the actress, who is the UN Goodwill Ambassador, published a video in which she urged the Security Council to give all its strength to protecting the rights of children living in third world countries, thanking all members of the organization working on the children's issue. The mother of many children also proposed punishing criminals who infringe on the rights of minors financially, by introducing a fee for violations.

Looks great!

In the frame, Jolie, dressed in a black blouse and jacket, with a minimal makeup on her face, enthusiastically speaks the prepared speech. According to Internet users, who already had time to assess the appearance of the star, divorce from her husband went to her advantage. The actress looks fresh, rested and even slightly recovered.

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By the way, recently Western media reported that the actress, who before marriage with Pitt twisted love, not only with the opposite sex, is not averse to remembering the old and renewing her affair with the model of Jenny Shimitsu. Is Angie's personal life improving?

Angelina Jolie returns to spotlight for children in ICC video: