Termination of pregnancy at a later date

Abortion after 12 weeks is considered late and is impossible without appropriate medical and social indicators. But even if doctors recommend a woman to have an abortion at a later date, she should make the appropriate decision herself.

The reasons for abortion can be medical or social. Medical indications for termination of pregnancy after the twelfth week are set by a special commission. It consists of an obstetrician-gynecologist doctor, a doctor specializing in the area to which the abortion-related disease is attributed, and the head of the institution in which the abortion will be performed.

Causes of termination of pregnancy at a later date:

Before recommending a pregnant woman to have an abortion in the late term, doctors are studying a whole complex of test results and ultrasound. In particular, the results of special analyzes are needed, for example, amniocentesis - amniotic fluid analysis. If, despite the recommendations, the woman decides to leave the child, then she takes responsibility for all the risks.

Spontaneous miscarriages at late stages

The miscarriage that occurs from the twelfth to the twenty-second week, experts call it late. Among spontaneous miscarriages, late cases occur only in 25% of cases. It is believed that if before this period the bearing of the child did not have any deviations and pathologies, then the possibility of termination of pregnancy is practically zero. Interruption of pregnancy after 22 weeks is already qualified as premature birth .

Causes of miscarriage at late stages

The most common cause of miscarriage in the late period associated with the characteristics of the woman's body is the development of inflammatory processes in the placenta or uterine wall. Because of this, the placenta may begin to exfoliate prematurely. There are cases when the placenta ceases to produce substances that ensure the preservation of pregnancy.

To provoke a miscarriage at a late pregnancy can be an infectious disease or a mental overstrain. Women who have undergone surgery on the uterus or vessels, too, are at risk. Also, the threat of miscarriage in later terms is the failure of the cervix, which can be cured by applying a circular seam to the cervix.

Symptoms of miscarriage in the late term

The first symptoms with spontaneous miscarriage in the late term is aching pain in the lower abdomen and spotting. Starting with the fourteenth week, miscarriage occurs in the same way as childbirth. Cramps appear, the cervix opens, the water comes out, and then the fetus is born. After everything comes out last.

If there is a threat of miscarriage in the first trimester, the pregnant woman is assigned bed rest, hormonal and calming drugs. A woman should give up her sexual life and in no case should she apply cold or hot water bottles. When a miscarriage threatens after the twelfth week, the patient is under the doctor's in-patient supervision.

If the miscarriage can not be prevented, after the fetus has come out, the placenta particles are scraped out of the uterus. In later terms, they can prescribe contraction drugs, and the fetus is removed by surgical intervention.

With repeated miscarriages it is necessary to determine the cause of spontaneous abortion and, if possible, to eliminate it.