Biography of Priscilla Chan

Biography Priscilla Chan recently attracted everyone's attention. In 2012 she became the wife of one of the richest people in the world and the owner of the social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg.

How old is Priscilla Chan?

In 2015, the age of Priscilla Chan is 30 years. She was born on February 24, 1985. The girl's childhood was not simple. Her parents emigrated from China (Priscilla's father is a Vietnamese refugee, her mother is a Chinese woman) and for the first time they had to live in a refugee camp. In addition to Priscilla, there are two other children in the family. At first, the girl's parents worked in a restaurant, and later were able to open their own. According to the recollections of Priscilla Chan's teachers, her grandmother mainly dealt with her grandmother, since in order to keep the business afloat, her parents had to work 18 hours a day.

Priscilla Chan studied at an ordinary school in the town of Quincy near Boston. Since childhood, the girl was distinguished by diligence and a clear vision of her own goal. So, at the age of 13 she began to prepare to enter Harvard University and improve her resume. To do this, she enrolled even in the tennis section, although she did not have any special abilities in sports. Priscilla Chan became the best student of the school and was able to go to Harvard.

The love story of Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan

It was during his studies at the Biological Faculty of Harvard University that Priscilla and the future founder of the world's largest social network Mark Zuckerberg met. They met at one of the student brotherhood parties in the queue for a toilet. Priscilla herself says that Mark looked like a real botanist. Since then, the pair has not parted.

In 2007, Priscilla Chan completed her studies and worked as a biology teacher in the lower grades of the school for some time. However, she did not stop there and soon continued her education at the California School of Medicine, which she graduated shortly before the wedding with Mark in 2012. Priscilla Chan is a practicing pediatrician.

If we talk about the wedding, it went very modestly, in the backyard of the house of Zuckerberg in the presence of about 100 guests. For her wedding Priscilla Chan chose a rather modest and not too expensive dress, and Mark - the business suit available in his wardrobe. After the ceremony, the couple went on a honeymoon trip across Europe, while everyone was amazed by the modesty of the newlyweds: they lived in economy-class hotels, and ate in catering establishments.

Priscilla Chan gave birth to a baby!

Mark repeatedly said that Priscilla Chan has a beneficial effect on him. So, it was she who initiated the development of the Facebook social program, in which people were encouraged to donate organs.

The couple more than once said that she wants to have a baby. According to Mark, they are already ready, besides, both he and Priscilla have done a lot for the society and now they want to live a little for themselves and their future children. However, Priscilla was not so easily pregnant: she had two miscarriages.

And in 2015 it became known that Priscilla Chan is pregnant and the addition is expected by the end of the year. Mark not only reported on his page in Facebook about a joyful event, but also called on other married couples who do not immediately get pregnant, do not despair. During his wife's pregnancy, he repeatedly posted photos from the family archive, and he himself demonstrated to everyone who wanted pictures from the party, dedicated to the soon appearance of the baby. December 2, 2015 in the family of Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg, a daughter .

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