Names for hamsters

The acquisition of a small pet is always associated with hassle. The appearance of a hamster in the house requires the arrangement of his house, the choice of food, and, for sure, the family is discussing the question: what name to give the baby.

To begin with, you need to watch him, learn his character better, habits - perhaps the name will be chosen based on these observations. But in any case, it should be cute, not long and easy to perceive by the pet, because he must react to it in the future.

Very often for the content of selected dzhungar (very small in size) hamsters, but they have their own characteristics and personality traits.

Examples of possible names for hamsters

Focusing on behavior, character and habits, the name for hamsters-girls jungariks to pick up is not difficult. For lazy, loving to sleep in pets, the name Sonya, Nezhenka, and for the bright, loving to run around the cage - Yula, Bullet.

If you pay attention to the color of the animal, then such names will suit: for red - Abrikoska, Ryzhuha, gray hamsters girls can be called a smoke, having black color - Nochka, and white - Snowflake.

Based on the habits of the pet or external data, you can name Lakomka, Pushinka, Norka, Laska. You can call a pet in honor of the hero from the cartoon, after all, as a rule, hamsters are planted when there are children in the family, they will like it. You can give the animal a human name, for example: Klava, Liza, Dunya - the main thing is that it does not offend someone from close people.

Proceeding from the same principles, choose a name for a hamster boy, a jungar or another breed. It can be Chip and Dale, if there are two of them, Tom is in honor of the cartoon characters. Noticing the bright external features or manifestations in the habits, you can call - Tolstyak, Shrek, Count, Crunch, Shustrick.

You can, as in the case of hamster girls, give the usual human name, but it is better if it is not used, for example, Clim, Philemon, Evsei - so you are unlikely to hurt someone's feelings, calling a hamster the name of a familiar person.

You can choose cool hamster names that cause a smile, because the name, like the pet itself, should bring joy. You can consider such options for the boy - Pacan, Koresh, Gorynych, Boar, Cerberus. The girl can be called cool, and at the same time affectionately - Masyanya, Mole, Tatoshka, Tsatsa, and you can, after noticing certain features of nature, call Grymsa, Megera.

After carefully observing your hamsters for a couple of days, noticing their behavior and starting from external data, you can choose for them the most appropriate names that emphasize individuality.