Cauterization of cervical erosion by laser

According to statistics, 70% of women of reproductive age face the problem of treating cervical erosion. The causes of the appearance of erosion are many, but the main one is the human papilloma virus, which penetrates into the cervical epithelium cells and causes a chronic process of inflammation. This, in turn, leads to a change in the structure of the epithelium (replacing the multilayered planar epithelium with a cylindrical one). In our article, we will consider such a treatment technique as cauterization of the erosive surface of the cervix with a laser.

How to prepare for laser cauterization of cervical erosion?

Before assigning this invasive method of treating cervical erosion, a woman should be examined. Vaginal examination using the advanced colposcopy method allows to detect the erosion itself, to estimate how long it has appeared (treatment of "young" cervical erosions is possible in a conservative way). The doctor must take a biopsy from the erosion surface in order to see the nature of cell changes and the presence of atypical cells.

The attending physician will necessarily send the woman to the laboratory for PCR-diagnostics (polymerase chain reaction) to be implicated in a number of pathogens (mycoplasma, chlamydia, human papilloma virus of high oncogenic risk). With a positive result of the analysis, the patient is prescribed treatment. To prune erosion of the cervix with a laser it is possible only after passage of the appointed treatment.

The number of mandatory examinations before the passage of laser therapy includes: a blood test for antibodies to pale treponema (Wasserman reaction), a blood group and a smear for cytology from the cervix.

What is the procedure for laser cauterization of cervical erosion?

The procedure for laser treatment of the cervix passes almost painlessly and does not require general anesthesia. For local anesthesia, the doctor treats the cervix with a solution of a local anesthetic. During the procedure, the woman is in a special room on the gynecological chair. The doctor removes the altered tissues (eroded surface) with a laser knife. The procedure is carried out on the 5th-6th day of the menstrual cycle. It is important to emphasize that this method should be preferred in the treatment of erosion in nulliparous women.

Restorative period after cauterization of cervical erosion by laser

After cauterization of laser erosion, the neck surface is a wound that needs to be healed. This will take about 1.5 months (active cleansing of the wound surface occurs in the first 5 days). After healing of the wound surface, the neck should be smooth, without scars (this indicates that the procedure is performed correctly). To speed up the reparative processes, the doctor will strongly recommend a woman to abstain from vaginal sex within 30 days, and also within 10 days to put anti-inflammatory vaginal suppositories with methyluracil.

After cauterizing the cervical erosion laser, a woman can have clear, watery discharge without a smell. If the patient observes the appearance of bloody discharge, this should be the reason for contacting a doctor.

So, the incidence of cervical dysplasia is steadily increasing. Of course, this is due to the deterioration of the ecological situation and a decrease in the level of morality (casual sex). Erosion of the cervix can take a long time without causing its owner any problems. However, we should not forget that dysplasia can be the beginning of the development of malignant pathology of the cervix, so it is necessary to treat it. And the most optimal method of treating erosion to a woman will be advised by a competent gynecologist.