Bridal bouquet of chamomiles

Being on the field of chamomile, it is impossible to go home without taking a small bouquet with you, to put it in the vase at home and admire it. After all, this amazing plant creates a lot of pleasant emotions and symbolizes kindness, youth and innocence. This is exactly what a bride looks like on her wedding day, so many girls choose this delicate flower as a bouquet.

Bridal bouquet of chamomiles

The idea for composing a holiday composition with these colors is many. In appearance they are rather modest and simple, but from them you can create a beautiful wedding bouquet . For example, it can be large and small chamomiles, decorated with greenery. Or you can just take these flowers of the same size, preferably medium, and tie a yellow ribbon. It will turn out simply, but with taste, without any excesses. Such a bouquet is suitable for a bride in a light snow-white dress. And some girls even decorate the head with a wreath of chamomiles instead of the traditionally fixed veil.

The composition is beautiful, combined with other types of flowers. Snow-white daisies, formed in a bowl, with lilac chrysanthemums look very harmonious, creating a feeling of joy and trembling. But if you want a sunny mood, then sunflowers will be an excellent addition. In beauty, such bouquets are not inferior to others more refined.

But the wedding bouquet with chamomiles and roses looks really great. All sorts of combinations of shades, for example, gently pink, bright red and yellow, will help make the composition more spectacular and original.

After a solemn combination, you can arrange a photo session in the "chamomile" style. If there is a field with these colors nearby, then there will be excellent frames. Touching photos of the bride with a bouquet will perfectly fit into the wedding album. The newly-made wife with these lovely flowers in her hands will look very affectionate among the spreading daisy fields.