Books on self-development, which are worth reading to a woman

The reader has a huge advantage over the one who last opened the book in school. Books on self-development, which are worth reading to a woman, will give very important psychological knowledge and help change life for the better.

What books to read for self-development to a woman?

The best books on self-development for women are the works of recognized psychologists. In them, any representative of the fair sex will find advice on establishing personal life, developing personal qualities, combating psychological fears and complexes.

  1. Neil Fiore "An easy way to start a new life . " Many people suffer from insecurity, like to put things off in a "long box". Guilty of this is not only the habits and psychological characteristics of the character, but also some qualities of brain activity. In this book, an American psychologist talks about what prevents a person from starting something new and bringing it to its logical conclusion.
  2. Nicholas Butman "How to fall in love with yourself in 90 minutes . " Any woman dreams of personal happiness. While creating this book, Nicholas Butman analyzed a lot of happy couples and revealed the patterns of their construction. The work of this author will help master NLP techniques and advanced communication techniques, teach methods of winning interest and sympathy.
  3. Gary Chapman "Five languages ​​of love . " Problems in relationships begin with a misunderstanding. And very few people know that there are several ways to express their feelings. After reading this book, the woman will learn to better understand her husband and successfully solve family conflicts.
  4. Vladimir Levi "Taming of fear" . Many women tend to be afraid and panic in any non-standard situation. This book of a recognized psychologist will tell you what fear is and why it is needed, and also teach you how to keep it under control.
  5. Tina Sylig "Do yourself" . Professor Stanford University in his book not only shares the secrets of successful business, but also teaches you to expand the scope of thinking , constantly try something completely new, change. This book on self-development for women will help to become a creative, successful person.