Feng Shui Bedroom - rules

Increasingly, during the arrangement of housing or workplace people are guided by the principles of the ancient Chinese doctrine of feng shui. And it's not at all surprising. After all, as the centuries-old practice has shown, with the help of elementary rules for locating objects in the house, one can improve one's life.

It is especially important to maintain a positive attitude and harmony in marital relations. And this is like nothing else contributes to the rules of Feng Shui in the bedroom. After all, it is here that the couple spend the most beautiful moments of their lives, make plans for the future and just relax. In this article, we will tell you how to equip your bedroom so that the well-known positive Qi energy prevailed in it, and the rest was full and comfortable?

Color of the bedroom by Feng Shui

Of course, nothing else so does not affect the condition of a person in the room as the color that surrounds him. Therefore, it is very important to approach the choice of the right shade for the decoration of the bedroom walls. The color and layout of the bedroom by Feng Shui are very interrelated. For example, if the room is in the direction of the east or southeast, the walls can be painted green, symbolizing the tree. However, some may not like it, then the green can be combined with other colors to make the interior more harmonious, and the walls are not "pressed" on the owners.

According to the ancient rules of Feng Shui, the color of the bedroom located towards the center, to the south-west or north-east can include shades of brown, ocher and other colors that characterize the elements of the earth. For the southern bedroom, the ideal option will be a shade of orange, red, which is associated with the elements of fire. It is believed that such color solutions in the interior of the bedroom contribute to the strengthening of marriage and the swelling of passions among the spouses. For the northern room, cooler shades of blue, or blue, reminiscent of the elements of water, will do. But the colors resembling metal: silvery white, gray, multiply the energy of Qi, in the bedroom, located in the north-west and west.

What should be the pictures in the bedroom on Feng Shui?

The images that we decorate our home can greatly affect the overall atmosphere in the house. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right feng shui picture in the bedroom. It does not have to be a very dynamic drawing, like a volcanic eruption, a waterfall, an explosion, a battlefield, a moving car, etc. The bedroom is a place to pacify and relax. Here, pictures of a softer character, with a picture of a calm nature, quiet lakes, rivers, calm sea, etc., should prevail. This will attract not only positive energy flows to your home, but also money.

Mirror in the bedroom by Feng Shui

That's really what should not be placed in a room for sleep and rest, so these are reflective objects. According to the ancient teaching, mirrors reflect all that "see." If you place them in the kitchen, it will help to increase the family budget, if in the bathroom - will contribute to the harmonization of spiritual and physical energies. Mirror in the bedroom on Feng Shui will reflect only our sleep, in which people get rid of all negative energy, so here it does not belong.

Bed in the bedroom by Feng Shui

No less important is the location of the bed. It is best that the bed is not located between the window and the door, but stood near the wall where the door is. It is also very important that the bed is integral, and not composed of two parts, otherwise it will lead to disagreements and disputes between the sleeping people.

Chandelier in the bedroom by Feng Shui

This honorable piece of furniture is best chosen in Chinese style . It is desirable that the chandelier looks rich and gives as much light as possible. After all, according to the rules of decorating a bedroom on Feng Shui, the light source in the house is one of the most important items, symbolizing prosperity. Therefore, if you want to increase your capital, choose the right chandelier.