Caps for the bath

That water procedures have brought health to health, it is necessary to take care of the presence of a hat from a felt for a bath. Of course, this accessory, in the first place, is functional, but what kind of woman does not want to look good in the sauna? For the sake of justice it is worth noting that with such an accessory it is very difficult to create a stunning stylish bow. Why not make a bet on originality? Funny hats for the bath - this is what you need!

Funny bath accessory

As already mentioned, the main purpose of bath headwear is to protect the head from the heat. Protection of the head is also necessary because the hottest air accumulates in the upper part of the sauna or sauna. This problem is perfectly handled by natural sheep's wool. It is for this reason that manufacturers of these accessories make them from this material, which has thermal insulation properties. Putting on bath hats, visitors to these establishments can stay in the steam room longer than those who did not take care of themselves. In addition, their hair will remain healthy and shiny, as they will not be exposed to hot air.

Today on sale you can see hats for the bath, made of felted wool, felt or felt. These materials, made of natural sheep wool, are distinguished by their density. The most popular models of hats for a sauna are made of felted wool. They are light, do not soar and do their job well. However, felted hats for a bath have one drawback - a large volume. To make the headdress look more attractive, manufacturers experiment with drawings, applications and original inscriptions.

Bath headwear made of felt look more elegant, since the density of this material is less. Felt hats for the bath attract mainly men, because the material has a specific rough texture. In addition, most models of felt hats are made in neutral beige, gray or black tones.

Bath hats made of felt lack this shortcoming. They look better, as for the production of such models, thinly wool is used. And the possibilities of decor in such models are wider, as is easily seen by reading the photos presented in the gallery.