Propensity to self-destruction

A person at any age is prone to self-destruction, but why does this happen, what is the reason for this behavior? In the modern world, and so there are many situations that can lead to the death of a person: transport and air crashes, terrorism, high crime rates, natural phenomena, etc., so you need to get rid of self-destruction.

The causes of the propensity to self-destruction

All people are individual and self-destruction is expressed in different ways. For someone, this happens very quickly - suicide , and others destroy their lives for many years, for example, using drugs, alcohol, gluttony, smoking, etc. In general, a person is not aware of his problem, so it will not be possible to cope with it on his own. This behavior has been formed since childhood, and it is associated with various kinds of psychological trauma.

Types of behavior that lead to self-destruction

Addictive Behavior

It is expressed that a person wants to escape from reality. For this, he takes various substances or fixes his attention on objects and actions that are accompanied by the appearance of emotions. Admission of various kinds of substances causes attachment and subsequently they control the life of a person, making him helpless and depressed. This behavior causes: the use of alcohol, drugs, gambling, overeating , promiscuity, etc.

This behavior occurs most often when there are any difficulties on the person's life path, for example, the death of a loved one, dismissal, etc.

Such people are peculiar:

The main thing in time to notice the presence of problems with loved ones and seek help.

Anti-social behavior

It is expressed in the fact that a person commits actions that contradict ethics, morality, law, etc. Adult people with such a problem do not feel any responsibility, they are bad parents, employees, friends and partners. A person does not feel remorse because he simply does not care. This behavior is accompanied by impulsiveness, aggression, etc. There are such problems in the childhood because of incomplete families, insufficient attention and education.

Suicide behavior

It is expressed that a person wants to commit suicide. There are several types:

Every day the percentage of suicides among children who do not realize what they are doing increases. Possible causes that lead them to such actions:

In order not to lose loved ones, pay attention to them and take care.

Conformist behavior

It is expressed that a person does not have his point of view, therefore adapts himself to the opinion of people who have power. Such people do not know anything about their personality, they live by the principles of society. Conformists are so-called "puppets", which are controlled by others. Such people believe that their opinion is not correct, so they give their fate in the hands of others.

To get rid of all these problems, a person needs the support of relatives and relatives, as well as the help of specialists. It is difficult to get rid of such dependencies, but it is possible.