Vasodilators for hypertension

Vasodilator drugs are drugs whose action is aimed at reducing the tone of the smooth muscles of blood vessels. This leads to an increase in their lumen and, consequently, a decrease in blood pressure. Let's consider what vascular preparations can be appointed or nominated at a hypertonia.

The appointment of vasodilator drugs for hypertension

Treatment of hypertension involves complex therapy with the use of several groups of drugs, which include:

It is worth noting, recently, most specialists in the initial stage of hypertension are trying not to prescribe medications. Their reception is recommended more often with the progression of the disease, and at the first stage the pressure can be adjusted through a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Vasodilators are often recommended in severe forms of hypertension, and they are necessarily prescribed in combination with diuretics and beta-blockers. Otherwise, it is possible to develop such negative effects as rapid heartbeat, accumulation of excess fluid in the body, puffiness, etc.

The list of vasodilator drugs used in hypertension includes the following drugs, which are prescribed most often:

First aid for hypertension - drug

With a sharp increase in blood pressure (hypertensive crisis), urgent medical attention is required. People with hypertension, especially the second and third degree, should definitely keep hypotensive drugs at hand.

When hypertensive crisis, the patient is recommended to take additional doses of those drugs that he usually took. The main thing to remember is that you can not sharply reduce blood pressure (within an hour you can reduce by about 30 units). If the pressure rise is accompanied by pain in the heart, it is recommended to take Validol or Nitroglycerin under the tongue. You can not take new drugs yourself.

Before the arrival of a doctor, you can also conduct distracting procedures: put a yellow card on the back of the neck and calf muscles or make hot foot baths (for the purpose of outflow of blood to the legs).