Children's bed-transformer with a chest of drawers

The main task of the designer today is not just a beautiful design of the room, but also the maximum use of space and filling it with functional pieces of furniture. It is especially difficult to choose the right furniture for a child. It is important to take into account the features of its manufacture, the period of operation and the area occupied. The baby bed-drawer became very popular among modern mummies. More often than traditional cribs, they prefer this kind of design.

Bed-chest of drawers for children - advantages and disadvantages

Obviously, there are many more advantages, because the popularity of this type of crib is growing every day.

  1. Solves the issue of a sleeping place for a long time. You buy a crib not just for a long time, but for a dozen years. It practically "grows" with crumbs. Initially, this is a single whole from a sleeping place, a chest of drawers and a changing table. With the growing of the baby, the appearance changes and the design is gradually disassembled.
  2. You will perfectly save. In addition, that you acquire several pieces of furniture at once, so you still do not have to buy a new kid for another age in a couple of years. Previously, we first bought a crib for children up to three or four years, then another for kids from four to twelve. Now you can purchase an "adulthood" bed only once.
  3. The baby bed-transformer with a chest of drawers is quite compact, so this is an excellent solution for small rooms.
  4. Like all children's furniture , the cot is made of wood with pleasant light colors. In addition, they are often decorated with various carved patterns. In other words, you purchase furniture for a separate child in advance, because you can first put a crib in the parents' bedroom, and then disassemble it into separate units and equip the nursery.

As for the minuses, they are more related to the design features. So some models "sin" in small, inarticulate boxes. Sometimes manufacturers make too bulky furniture or choose a too dark shade of veneer, running ahead and staking on long operation.

Children's bed-chest of drawers - variants of construction

Children's bed-transformer with a chest of drawers can take the form of a separate bed and bedside tables. There are models where the lower boxes are also dismantled and converted into bookshelves, and the changing table is transformed into a table top for a desk. In other words, you can prepare several pieces of furniture for your child's room in advance.

The bed-chest of drawers for two children is slightly different in appearance. Here, instead of the bottom drawers, one more berth is put forward. In some ways, this is an alternative to two-story beds .

Bed-loft with a staircase-chest of drawers is one of the examples of how you can organize not only a sleeping but also a workplace. Here there are models for one and two children at once. In the first case under the bed you can arrange a desk or a small wardrobe. If it is a model with two sleeping places, then the working area is moved slightly and in its place is another bed. Steps of a bed-dresser for two children can be made in the form of drawers or a small wardrobe.

The bed-chest for teenagers has a similar configuration, as in models with stairs. The difference is only in the materials used: the plastic partitions, metal racks and modern design are more suitable here. For small rooms the perfect solution will be a folding bed-chest. In the afternoon the design really looks like a chest of drawers, as the bed rises and its lower part becomes a door.