Obstructive bronchitis in adults - symptoms and treatment

The diagnosis of obstructive bronchitis in adults is associated with prolonged inflammation, accompanied by damage to the mucous membranes of the bronchial tree. The disease leads to a narrowing of the bronchi, which prevents sputum and hampers the ventilation of the lungs.

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis in adults

The disease is characterized by several specific features:

  1. A strong cough that does not give rest. Attacks of dry cough are especially strong at night. Sputum is separated severely.
  2. Minor physical exertion provokes dyspnea.
  3. In adults, acute obstructive bronchitis leads to an increase in temperature. However, this species is rare in adult patients. With the development of a chronic form of pathology, the temperature may not rise, since the weakened immunity already practically does not fight the disease.
  4. At any form there is high fatigue.

It is worth noting that obstructive bronchitis in chronic form is difficult to treat.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults

If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, the disease can be complicated by such pathologies as bronchial asthma or pneumonia. Sometimes changes caused by bronchitis become irreversible.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults is based on symptoms, as well as causes. For example, often a chronic disease occurs as a result of smoking. The patient needs to abandon the habit to achieve a positive effect. Statistics say that 80% of those suffering from chronic obstructive bronchitis are smokers.

The program for treatment of acute pathology includes adherence to bed rest at the initial stage. Gradually introduce small loads, such as short walks.

It is necessary to eliminate the cause of irritation of bronchial mucosa. Therefore, the contact of the patient with household chemicals, cigarette smoke or cosmetic means should be minimized. From the diet exclude sharp, salty foods, fatty and fried foods.

Medication therapy includes the following drugs:

  1. Antibiotic. Antibiotics for obstructive bronchitis in adults are used in case of severe clinical picture, if other drugs do not have a pronounced positive effect.
  2. Mucolytic. Allow to translate dry cough into wet and facilitate the departure of phlegm.
  3. Adrenoreceptors. Thanks to these drugs, bronchial tubes expand.

Simultaneously with drug therapy, it is allowed to use folk recipes, which should be agreed with the attending physician.

Folk remedies for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults

You can use the unique properties of black radish .

Medication Receptor


Preparation and use

The components are mixed and cleaned in a refrigerator. Before use, the mixture should be warmed to room temperature. A day take 5-6 tablespoons of the mixture.

Treatment of the chronic form of obstructive bronchitis in adults is often performed with the help of a decoction of raisins.

The recipe for broth

Preparation and use

Rinsed raisins are steamed with boiling water. The liquid is brought to a boil and then heated for 10 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered off and allowed to cool to room temperature. Drink the product on the day of preparation for several receptions.

Also useful are inhalations of herbal decoctions, which can be prepared from sage, raspberry leaves, linden, pine buds. A good effect is also possessed by breathing exercises. A quick separation of sputum is provided by massage procedures.