Cockroaches in the apartment

Residents of high-rise buildings often have to wage a desperate struggle against uninvited aliens - with cockroaches in the apartment. It would seem that everything is clean, but the cockroaches come from somewhere in the apartment. There may be several reasons, but they are based on non-compliance with hygiene rules for the maintenance of premises. Even in an ideally well-kept apartment, these insects can appear, for example, from a grocery store on the first floor of a building, from a garbage chute, creep from antisocial neighbors, alas. It is necessary to fight cockroaches. There are many ways to fight cockroaches in the apartment, but it is difficult to recommend one of them as the best - in one case the method can be very effective, and for another it is absolutely ineffective. Therefore, the answer to the question, the better to poison the cockroaches in the apartment, you can find only by experiment - try everything and choose the best option for yourself.

Fighting cockroaches in the apartment

To date, the choice of means for fighting cockroaches is wide enough. Because of the ease of use and high enough efficiency, the most popular are insecticidal preparations in the form of aerosols - Combat, Regent, Dichlorvos, Carbophos, Microfos, Fufanol, Raptor, Get, Red, Globol. In addition to sprays, as well as as independent means of fighting cockroaches, you can use special powders (dusts) - Pyrethrum, Fenaks, Oradelt, Insorbit, Phenaxin - and pencils (Mashenka). Very effective insecticides in the form of gels - Absolute, Raptor, Dohloks, Brownie, Sturm, Globol. You can also use special traps. In some cases poisonous baits based on boric acid are very effective. In neglected cases, it is better to use the services of special services at SES.

And in general, we should say that to solve the problem, how to bring cockroaches to an apartment forever , should be approached globally, which is called the whole world (at least within the same entrance).