Non-surgical rhinoplasty

The question of carrying out rhinoplasty disturbs many people who have a nose of irregular shape. This part of the body becomes the most common reason why a person decides to trust a plastic surgeon.

Fortunately, medicine does not stand still, and if before plastic face was performed exclusively with a scalpel, today there are more "humane" methods - injecting and laser rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty without surgery - laser and injections

Unlike classical surgical intervention, laser and injection rhinoplasty means the least interference in the body. Nose correction occurs here either under the influence of laser heat, or under the influence of injection, which slightly changes the shape of the nose.

Injection rhinoplasty

This type of non-surgical rhinoplasty is performed with the help of fillers. Often this is either restylane or juvenammer. The latter drug is based on hyaluronic acid. Silicone can also be used as filler.

The plastic surgeon uses thin needles to inject the drug so as to visually align the flaws, and therefore injecting rhinoplasty is ideal for those who are satisfied with the size of the nose, but want to get rid of the hump if it is not large. It also suits "Asian" snub nose.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty corrects the shape of the nose, however, the effect "before" and "after" is not as pronounced as after the classical operation.

Laser rhinoplasty

Laser rhinoplasty, as a rule, is conducted in closed form.

With the help of a laser beam, the surgeon softens the cartilaginous tissues, and this makes it possible to simulate the nose as precisely as possible.

Proceeding from this, laser rhinoplasty is suitable for those who are dissatisfied with the nasal septum - its curvature due to a fracture of the nose . An open form of the operation may be needed in rare cases when the nose size changes. When the surgery is closed, the surgeon makes several incisions along the septum and along the sides of the nostrils, and during the simulation uses conventional instruments that have always been used in plastic surgery.

Therefore, the laser operation can be called intermediate between injection and classical.

Recovery after rhinoplasty

Injection rhinoplasty:

Laser rhinoplasty: