How to wash a frying pan from the deposit?

Stagnant and not washable deposit in a frying pan can upset any mistress, because such dishes look very untidy. Fortunately, there are several effective ways to wash the frying pan off the soot.

Home methods

Cleaning the frying pan from carbon deposits requires patience and accuracy. Do not use hard metal sponges or knives to clean the plaque. This is especially true for modern frying pans with non-stick coating, because any scratch can spoil such dishes. There are two main ways to get rid of burnt food and oil residues.

The first method is just ideal for cleaning the Teflon pan from the deposit, it can also be used for other types of frying pans. For him you will need a large enough capacity, so that the dishes to be cleaned fit easily into it. It can be a metal bucket or a pan. It should be about 2/3 pour hot water and add about 200 grams. chips from household soap and 3-4 tablespoons of soda ash. In this solution boil the dishes for 2-3 hours, and then easily remove the plaque with a soft sponge. The second method is suitable for cleaning the deposit on a cast-iron frying pan . Such dishes should be heated over an open fire and, when the carbon begins to soften and move away from the walls, clean it with an old rag. This method is quite long and requires some effort, but the result will please you very much.

Special cleaning agents

In the store you can also purchase a special tool for cleaning the frying pan from the deposit. Especially popular is a drug such as "Shumanit." It effectively removes frying pans, even from a long-lasting deposit and returns to them an excellent initial appearance. It is sufficient only once (for very strong soils, it may sometimes be necessary to re-treat) to use it as described in the instructions. If necessary, you can extend the effect of the drug, for example, when the dirt is very strong or old or there are hard-to-reach places (such a place can be a hole on the metal handle of the frying pan), where rubbing the mud will be problematic enough. It is necessary to take precautions, since the product is quite caustic and active: gloves are necessary, as well as good ventilation of the room where cleaning will be done. After using this product, grease and dirt almost drip off the frying pan, leaving a clean surface.