Mold in the washing machine - how to get rid of the available means?

Once the mistress, loading linen in the washing machine, discovers that an unpleasant smell of dampness comes from her, and black spots appear on the sealing cuff. When there is mold in the washing machine, how to get rid of it, many do not even imagine, considering that it is serious and for a long time, and it is easier to buy a new machine than to clean the old one.

Mold in the washing machine - reasons

Starting the fight with a fungus in a washing machine, you need to understand why it appears. The mold can be found in such places of the unit:

It should be remembered that mold spores feel well and perfectly reproduce at temperatures below + 60 ° C. Therefore, if the landlady saves and often erases, using a short-wash regime with a low temperature, it thereby creates suitable conditions for the appearance of the fungus. The emerging smell of mold in the washing machine will be the first signal to start acting.

Why does the washing machine smell moldy?

Spores of the fungus in the inactive state are present everywhere, but as soon as a favorable moist environment appears, the mold begins to actively develop. If the washing machine smells of mold, there can be several reasons:

Mold in the drum of a washing machine

If a fungus appears on the walls of the drum of your washing unit, then probably you do not use the bleach powder. But such chemicals are not only ideal for washing clothes, but also actively fighting mold. Cleaning the washing machine from mold will help you get rid of this trouble. In addition, using the conditioner for laundry, you should turn on the additional rinse mode, during which all rinse aid residues will be washed out, and the fungus will not settle in the drum.

Mold on the cuff of the washing machine

Sometimes the hostess watches the external state of household appliances, but forgets about the rubber band on the door. Here the mold in the washing machine settles - how to get rid of it in this case? Mold on the rubber band of the washing machine appears from the stagnation of water in it. To prevent this from happening, you need to wipe the rubber sealing ring dry after washing.

If the fungus still appeared on the cuff, you can get rid of it with the help of copper sulfate or a chlorine-containing agent, for example, Belizna or Domestos. For this, it is necessary to apply this disinfectant to the sponge and wipe it with both the outer and inner parts of the cuff. After half an hour you need to rinse the gum well and turn on the rinse mode. If you decide to use copper sulfate to clean the rubber ring, apply it and leave it for about a day, then rinse thoroughly and wipe the cuff dry.

How to clean the washing machine of mold?

If you find black mold in the washing machine and how to get rid of it you do not know, then you can invite a specialist who will help you in this, but most housewives try to cope with such a problem on their own. You can use various home methods, with which you quickly put in order your home assistant.

  1. If the machine is not very damaged, then you need to get rid of the fungus, cleaning the place of its appearance with a brush, with a detergent applied.
  2. After this you must thoroughly wash all the parts and wipe them dry.
  3. If this does not help, then, as a rule, get rid of mold in the washing machine with citric acid, food vinegar and high water temperature

Clean the washing machine from vinegar mold

If you can not clean the washing machine of mold by usual washing, you should use a more active remedy, for example, vinegar. First, pour 1 liter of bleach with chlorine into the powder compartment and turn on the long wash at a very high temperature. Approximately in the middle of the cycle, stop the unit for 1-2 hours, and then complete the cycle.

After this, the bay in the dispenser 2-3 st. nine-percent table vinegar, turn on the rinse. But remember that you can not use both vinegar and bleach at the same time - this very aggressive combination can have a detrimental effect on the details of the machine. After stopping the unit, wipe it dry and leave it open for ventilation. Such a purge for the prevention should be done once a quarter.

Clean the washing machine of mold with citric acid

As practice shows, getting rid of the smell of mold in a washing machine is difficult, so you can use a folk remedy like citric acid. This method will help not only to get rid of the unpleasant odor, but also to clean the unit of scale. In the powder compartment, you must pour citric acid and turn the washer on for a long time at the maximum temperature. Remember that in the unit, there should be no linen and powder. After the wash is completed, in order to better wash the scum, you can turn on the appliance again, setting the minimum temperature.

Mold remover in washing machine

Often mistresses are interested in how to remove mold from a washing machine, if folk remedies do not help. To destroy the fungus, you can use a liquid for cleaning the toilet, which will purify all parts of the unit and remove an unpleasant odor, or buy a remedy for mold. Work should be in rubber gloves. Put the substance on the sponge and treat all the places where the mold has settled. Leave for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with clean water. Then turn on the laundry without laundry.

We learned everything about mold in a washing machine: how to get rid of it by various means and how to prevent its appearance. If you start the machine every month in the boiling mode, and every six months to clean it, then this household appliance will serve you without problems for many years. At the same time, laundry, washed in a household appliance, will always be clean and pleasantly smelling.