Childbirth with her husband

Each woman during pregnancy at least once, but will always think about the topic of childbirth with her husband. "Whether to take a husband for childbirth?" - the question is ambiguous, and to solve, of course, only you. We will only consider some aspects of this controversial issue.

Partnering with your husband

Affiliate births have recently become very popular. 2/3 of women in childbirth now prefer to be attended by someone close to them during childbirth. It does not have to be a husband. Someone is more comfortable to give birth with a mother, sister, friend or even mother-in-law. But most often as a partner in childbirth all the same the husband acts. He, by virtue of his abilities, tries to share the difficult condition of a woman, tries to help her as much as possible, and by joint efforts to "give birth" to a child. And then, when the baby is born, the daddy has the opportunity to stay with the newly mummy and baby in the maternity ward, to witness the very first minutes of life of the crumbs. And again to share with Mummy is now a feeling of overwhelming happiness. So you can roughly describe the process of partner birth. But all the same it will not be superfluous to consider and more practical nuances of the help of the husband on sorts.

Does the husband need birth?

We will not be original, if we say that there are so many pairs, so many opinions. Sometimes a woman can firmly decide to take her husband for childbirth, and the latter will not be delighted with such an idea. On the contrary, the husband really wants to be present at the birth of his child, and the woman feels that without it he will cope better. Insist and persuade each other is not worth it. But before making a final decision, you need to learn as much information as possible and weigh all the pros and cons. After all, often our rejection of partner births is caused by a lack of information (or the availability of untrue data).

How to prepare a husband for childbirth?

Firstly, you and your husband need to discuss this issue and find out if partner births are a mutual desire. If at least one of the spouses is against (and this can be both a man and a woman), then it is better to abandon this venture.

And, finally, thirdly, for the presence of the husband at birth, you need to pass tests. What kind of tests you need to take, it is better to find out from the doctors of the hospital where you are going to give birth. It happens that in the maternity hospitals of even one city there are different requirements for the analysis of the partner. But in most cases you will need to do a fluorography and pass the staphylococcal analysis.

Many people are interested in the question: "How much does it cost to give birth with my husband?" . We rush to reassure you. In most maternity homes for partner births in addition do not need to pay extra.

What should a husband do during childbirth?

There are two options for the development of events:

  1. Provide active help. That is, do a massage of the waist (or the area that the mother will want). Show how to breathe, support in a literal and figurative sense. Call midwives and doctors. Put cushions, wash with cold water, bring a drink, etc. More details about all this will be told at the courses.
  2. Passive help. Often there are cases when a woman was preparing for childbirth with her husband, he taught various techniques of help, but in the process a woman asks the partner to simply network the chair and not interfere. Believe me, if a woman asks for it, then it's better not to touch her. But from one thought that her husband is nearby, and in an emergency situation will come to the rescue, it is already getting easier.

There are different opinions about partner births. Some write that after the husband was present at birth, he lost his sexual attraction to his wife. And someone on the contrary speaks about the invaluable help, without which the woman would not have coped. Therefore, the last word is yours, who, if not you, knows your husband best.