Conspiracy on the purse

Among the numerous rituals aimed at improving the financial situation, it is possible to identify a certain group in which the wallet is used. For the work of magic , it is necessary that the money is in motion, that is, do not be afraid to spend the accumulated, especially on good deeds.

The plot of the red purse

Red is considered the best way to attract money. It is recommended to buy a new purse and immediately conduct a rite. Do it best in New Moon. For the ritual, you need to have large bills. Going out into the street, show Luna your red purse and say:

"The month is clear, the torch is beautiful! You are growing, the world is lighting, you are pleased with the wave of playing! You can move water from a place, you can shake the ground! Give you a purse of your good! Let the income grow with you! Let the money come, let me have enough money! "

Put the cooked money in the purse and tell the conspiracy to the purse:

"As a bill near the bill are lying, and prosperity with me be happy! Months of horn grow in the moon, money in a red purse sent a wave! Every day comes income every hour! There will be a red purse to please me and all of us! Money from him is enough for everything! On the dress and coat, fur coat, ring and chain, I will rejoice in the daytime and at night! "

After that, go home, and put the purse under the pillow. It is important to remember what was dreamed at night. Almost all symbols are positive, except for the black crow.

Conspiracy on an old wallet

The following rite will help to get rid of any problems in the material sphere. It is recommended to conduct it on the waning moon. Take out of your wallet all the money and leave only five cents. Best if a nickle is new and brilliant. After telling the plot on the used purse:

"From misfortune and lack of money I pay off. Do not worry about me. "

After that, throw the purse away from home, so a person gets rid of material problems. Now you can go for a new purchase. It is best to do this before the New Year or on a growing Moon that does not reach the first quarter. As for the days of the week, it is best to buy Wednesday or Thursday. Take the acquisition in your left hand and say on Wednesday the conspiracy to the purse:

"Be to my money a worthy home and multiply them. The Lord will bless, and the Guardian Angel will help. Amen".

Walking home silently, and do not tell anyone about the purchase, and the ritual.

There is another effective ritual for a new wallet. For him, take a church candle and a gold ring. Conduct the rite on the growing moon at night. Dissolve hair, put on loose clothing without fasteners. In the purse, put the ring and cross it three times. Place the accessory on the windowsill in such a way that the light of the moon gets on it. Light the candle and read such a conspiracy: "Silvery night with gilded horns bring in my purse my wealth in the form of gold-silver. May it be spent by me on good profitable business. Do it so that my purse is filled with money and filled. Amen . "

Leave the purse until the candle burns out. After that, you can put money into it and use it.