Glyph of Genera

The Symbol of the Kind is an ancient Slavic symbol. Many researchers argue that it was the basis for the emergence of other signs. The Symbol of the Kind embodies the energy of the sun, fertility and development. This is a beautiful amulet from a different kind of negativity. Slavs believed that if you regularly wear such a talisman , you can not be afraid of the evil eye, spoilage, envy and even illness.

There is information that this symbol was also applied to the idols of the god Rod, but in reality it is not true. This is explained by the fact that the Slavs did not put this god of idols, because Rod was considered the essence of everything and it is impossible to materialize it.

Symbol of the Kind in the Slavs - the meaning

This symbol represents the sun with divergent rays, which are similar to the flames. At the end of each ray is a small ball, directed inwards. It's not just that, because this kind of detail indicates that knowledge and power of all kind are closed, that is, they do not spread to others, but are transmitted from generation to generation. More balls, which are in the symbol of the clan of the Slavs, indicate the expansion of the family, that is, the emergence of new members. An interesting fact is that the schematic image of the galaxy is almost identical to the symbol of the Rod, which causes a lot of surprise and controversy over how in ancient times people could know this or it is just a coincidence.

People who wore such a guard felt a generic connection, and could also strengthen the memory of their ancestors. The Symbol of the Rod has the ability to accumulate strength and knowledge of generations, and yet it protects the whole family from various troubles. There is one more meaning of the symbol of the Rod - it has healing qualities, so its constant use protects against the development of various ailments. It helps people to attract luck and happiness. First of all, it is recommended to wear the amulet to people who want to enlist the support of the Higher Powers and the departed ancestors.

The Slavic symbol of the Rod was applied to clothing, which gave it protective qualities. This sign has never been applied to things that have to do with destructive energy, for example, weapons and armor. It is recommended to have an image of this symbol in the house, which will protect yourself from the arrival of evil and insincere people. The thing is that people with a black soul and evil intentions can not calmly look at the symbol of the Rod.

How to make the amulet symbol of the Rod?

Today, every person has the opportunity to purchase an already prepared amulet and only charge it with his energy. Despite this, experts still believe that the greatest power will be possessed by a charm, made by one's own hands or blood relatives. There are several rules to follow during manufacture:

  1. For the amulet the symbol of the Family is allowed to use only noble material, otherwise it will not have any power. You can take silver, wood or stone. Many stop on the tree. To do this, go to the forest and select the necessary material yourself.
  2. The charm should be made through and best mirror, that is, with one, and on the other hand it should be the same. It is important that the amulet not only take, but also give energy. Otherwise, he will not fulfill his destiny.
  3. It is important to correctly repeat the drawing of the symbol without any distortion. Lines should be drawn as clearly as possible. The whole point is that every line and curve of the amulet is an energy source and if they are changed, the action of the talisman can be violated.

It is important to properly load the made symbol of Rod. It is necessary at least for two days to constantly wear it next to the body.