How to remove the curse yourself?

Recently, people increasingly feel the negative actions of magical powers. Given this, many are interested in how to remove the curse yourself. There are many different ways, rituals and prayers that will help to cope with this problem.

How to remove the curse?

To do this, you can hold a ritual on the full moon at the beginning of a new day. For the ritual, you need 2 large mirrors and 2 candles of white and black. Find at home the oldest underwear, which must be worn for a week before the rite. On the day of the ritual, put the two mirrors opposite to each other, to the left there should be candles, and on the right there is sacred water. Standing between the mirrors, say the following words:

"The dark night, the black candle, the magical mirror, reflect from me the word accursed, evil. For the first time, I ask you. The night is dark, the candle is black, the mirror is magical, repel everything from me that you see on me is bad. For the second time I ask you. The dark night, the black candle, the magical mirror, repel the human curse from me. From me reflect, to the one who created, return. The third time I ask you. May it be so!"

Now say the same words, only turning over your left shoulder to the mirror that is behind you. Wash with holy water, take off the underwear that's on you, extinguish them and throw them on the floor. When completely bare, gather clothing and hold it over the candles until the edges of the clothes begin to smolder. Dress new linen, cross, looking in the rear mirror, read "Our Father". Take a black candle and dip it into the holy water. Repeat the action with another mirror and a candle. Go to bed and do not talk to anyone until the next day's lunch. In the morning remove the candles from prying eyes, and after dinner go to church. Put a candle on the health of the person who cursed you. Only after this, we can assume that the ritual is over, all negative will soon return to the owner.

How to remove the mother's curse yourself?

The mother's curse is one of the most difficult magical negatives that has no time for action and destroys a person's life until the moment of removal. To get rid of it, you must come to church when the burial will be performed there. Take the candle and stand next to the relatives of the deceased, who stand close to the coffin. When the funeral service itself happens, say 13 times the following words: "Newly restrained, from life lagged, lying in a coffin, not looking at us. Take my curse. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen . "

Be sure to go to church on the 9th and 40th days. There put 3 candles and say: "For the rest of my curse".

How to remove the curse of lack of money?

Take a new broom and sweep the whole house around, whispering the following words: "With this golik all my misfortunes will be gone." Visually imagine how a broom takes all the negative, then get rid of it. Due to this you can clean your house and soul from the negative.

How to remove a family curse?

For this ritual, you need to take 33 candles, since that's how many days it will last. It is better to start the rite on the evening of the first Sabbath on the waning moon. Light one candle and read "Our Father", and then before the icon of the Mother of God the following words: "Mother of God, soften the hearts of those who curse us! Do not let my kind die! Lord, save and save us, the servants of God! "

On day 34 of the remnants of candles, make one and put in the church for the health of the person who cursed you. Leave the donation and at the first crossroads, your way, roll a coin with the words "paid". Do not tell anyone about what was done.

How to remove the curse of a black widow?

If you have confidence in this type of curse, you need to look out the window at the waning moon to say the following words:

"I repent Cain and Abel,

I bow to them and be baptized,

I cry and I pray.

Brothers You are relatives, before the church are saints,

Take you from me with a widow shawl,

Free you from the coffins of my doorstep.

As this month melts and falls,

So that the spell is gone from me.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".