Orchid dendrobium - care at home, all the subtleties of proper growing

Room flower garden is able to decorate the orchid dendrobium, care at home is considered to be one of the easiest in the family of orchids. The plant has a high stem, decorated with fragrant inflorescences of dairy, lavender or variegated color and air roots, this is the reason for the peculiarities of the content of such a crop.

Dendrobium - home care

Getting from the store into the house, dendrobium abundantly blooms, but without the right care can die. Greenhouses use growth stimulants and long-acting make-up, providing the plant with a supply of nutrients for several months. Therefore, it is important at home to provide the culture with acceptable conditions as soon as possible. How to care for dendrobium:

  1. Orchids need continuous indirect lighting. The southern, south-eastern and south-western windows are most suitable for it.
  2. In summer, the culture tolerates easy maintenance on the balcony or loggia.
  3. At a time of rapid growth, the plant is suitable for temperature conditions: +20 - 25 ° C in summer, +15 - 20 ° C in autumn, but not below +10 - 12 ° C. The flower loves the difference between day and night temperatures in the region of +4 - 5 ° C.
  4. Orchid needs high humidity. When leaving, it can be irrigated from a spray gun or placed on a pod with wet moss. If the plant appears crooked wrinkled leaves - it means that it lacks moisture.
  5. Orchid dendrobium when nursing at home is necessary: ​​systematic watering, fertilizing and irrigation or shower on especially hot days.

Dendrobium - how to water?

For domestic dendrobium, watering is more frequent during the time of blossoming flowers and rapid growth. Substrate in a warm time generously moistened, but without the risk to rotate the roots - the soil and roots between the procedures must dry out. In summer, the culture is watered every 3-4 days, in the autumn - once a week. The ideal option for watering - put a pot of orchid for 10-15 minutes in a pot with warm water. Then remove (the water should drain completely) and put in a pot.

In the period of rest (until the flower buds again appear on the plant), moistening is symbolic - once a month. Water for irrigation is taken at room temperature. When growing orchids dendrobium at home, make-up is made at the time of vegetation (from April to September) twice a month. For feeding, the "Kemira Lux" or a complex liquid dressing for orchids is suitable. In the latter case, the saturation is 2 times lower than on the pack, so as not to burn the roots. Preparations are conveniently added to water for irrigation.

How to transplant dendrobium?

Home dendrobium transplantation often does not require - it is produced in the spring, after flowering, when the orchid grows and no more often than once every 2-3 years. The need for resettlement appears if the roots of the plant do not fit in the pot, or the soil is oxidized or caked. Plant dendrobium so that the pseudobulbs settle down in the center and young shoots subsequently do not rest against the walls of the vessel. The roots of the culture are brittle and when transplanting it is necessary to act carefully. During the procedure, they are transferred from the old flowerpot to a new orchid and are thrown fresh substrate, watered after 7-10 days.

Primer for dendrobium

Culture needs a special coarse-grained substrate, which can be purchased at the store (for orchids) or cooked by yourself. The soil for dendrobium in the composition must have bark of coniferous trees, foam plastic balls, moss. You can add in it small clay, coconut fiber, charcoal. Sphagnum moss is needed to increase the moisture of the plant, and polystyrene - so that the soil does not cake.

Pot for dendrobium

Standard pot for orchid dendrobium should be opaque. The plant prefers a close vessel, select it according to the size of the root system. At each transshipment the vessel is increased by a couple of centimeters. At the bottom of the pot, lay a layer of gravel, so that the container does not overturn, then - large parts of the bark, bark of small and medium fractions mixed with foam balls and moss plant roots.

How to make blossom dendrobium?

Orchid dendrobium, home care for which is produced correctly, blooms in the winter-spring season from January to April, the process lasts 8-12 weeks. Before budding, the plant undergoes a full stage of development, including a time of rapid growth and rest. When asked why the dendrobium does not bloom, the answer is simple - it means the orchid did not rest in autumn. Because of excessive temperatures and humidity in the winter, she lets out flowers instead of flowers - young sprouts from pseudobulbs, which should have blossomed.

To achieve budding in the florists there is a trick - do not water the dendrobium until a new growth manifests itself. When it reaches 2-3 cm and will release its own roots again begin to moisturize the plant. When the growth of the old bulb overtakes, stop watering and do not resume until the buds that have emerged are revealed. Approach flowering in January is appropriate fertilizer with phosphorus, or 2-3 times to produce a shower with heated water +30 - 35 ° C.

Dendrobium - home care after flowering

It is important to know how to care for the orchid after budding. Dendrobium after flowering - what to do:

  1. When the orchid has faded, it must go through a resting cycle, at the end of October, the watering is gradually stopped, the flowerpots are cut off, and the flower is moved to a cooler place so that it rests and prepares for a new flowering.
  2. It is desirable to maintain the temperature of the contents of +15 - 16 ° C in the daytime, +8 - 10 ° C at night. If there is no possibility to arrange a temperature drop, then a stable environment - +10 - 12 ° C, the rest period lasts 8 weeks.
  3. When new buds appear, the flower is moved to a warmer place and again gradually increased by its watering and fertilizers. Only under such conditions dendrobium can re-bloom.

Dendrobium - reproduction at home

For the breeding of orchids, dendrobium reproduction can be carried out in two ways:

  1. By dividing the bush. This is done after flowering orchids at the same time as the transplant. The bush is removed from the container and cleaned of the substrate. Carefully untwined rootlets of the plant, after a sharp knife it is divided into parts. Each delenka should have 2-3 mature bulbs and the same number of sprouts. Slices priporoshivayut crushed coal.
  2. Children. At elevated temperatures, flower buds can be transformed into "babies" - young shoots, formed from pseudobulbs, on which the opening of buds should occur. When the length of the shoots reaches 4-5 cm, and their roots - 3-5 cm, the "children" can be separated with a knife from the main plant with a part of the stem and planted in a prepared substrate. As soil, soil is taken for the small fraction orchids . Before planting the roots of "children" it is desirable to hold 10 minutes in warm water.

Dendrobium diseases

With improper care, the flower can be attacked by pests or become sick. Orchid dendrobium - frequent diseases and treatment:

  1. Fungus. The illness is caused by cold drafts, overheating, waterlogging of the soil. The orchid should be taken out of the vessel, cut off the rotten parts and sprinkled the sections with charcoal. Then etched with fungicides Fundazol, Maxim and planted in a new substrate, 10 days are not watered.
  2. Of pests, a spider mite , aphid, or mealybug often attack an orchid. A weekly shower, washing the plant with soapy water, restrain the spread of pests. If the infection is severe, you need to apply solutions of drugs Aktellik or Fitoverm.