Crafts for the contest "Gifts of Autumn" with their own hands

In schools and kindergartens, competitions of creativity are held regularly. In autumn the event is dedicated to this time of year and its features. Children usually take part in such activities and in preparation for them with pleasure. Variants of ideas for work on the contest of handicrafts "Gifts of Autumn" is limited only by the imagination of the participants and their capabilities. First of all, we must focus on the age of the child and his hobbies. It is worth considering several options for works that will be interesting to the guys.

Hedgehog from natural materials

Such an article is suitable for the contest "Gifts of Autumn", both in kindergarten and school. For work you need a plastic bottle, plasticine, a cone, an adhesive gun, a cardboard box cover, dried flowers, leaves. The creative process itself takes place in several stages.

  1. Cones should be glued to the bottle . They must be tightly pressed against each other, let them cover the entire body of the hedgehog, except for the muzzle and tummy.
  2. Then the animal's muzzle should be coated with brown plasticine.
  3. The lid of the bottle needs to be covered with black plasticine so that the nose turns out.
  4. Eyes and ears can also be made from pieces of plasticine.
  5. To the cover from the box should be pasted autumn leaves. It will be a clearing on which the animal sits.
  6. The hedgehog, its prickles is also worth decorating. Let the child himself to show imagination and add to the composition dried flowers, fruits.

Often, the contest "Gifts of Autumn" is preparing crafts from vegetables, for example, from pumpkins, apples. If desired, and this composition can be supplemented with figures of fruits.

Vase from leaves

This work is simple enough. In addition, in such a vase you can add any gifts of autumn. To make it, you need to stock up artificial maple leaves, a wide vase, plastic film, glue.

  1. First you should wrap the vase with a film.
  2. Next, it is necessary to grease the leaves with glue abundantly and, properly pressing, glued to the vase.
  3. As a result, the whole vase should be covered with a dense layer of leaves.
  4. The product should be wrapped tightly with a film. Now you need to put the vase in the sun to dry.
  5. After 4 hours, the film should be removed and left for a while until completely dry. Then you can sprinkle the leaves with glaze, which will make the product more elegant. Now you can carefully remove the bowl with a film, the autumn bowl for fruits and ornaments is ready.

In the preparation of such crafts for the contest "Gifts of Autumn" with their own hands can take part the whole family.

The vase can also look like this:

Also the products with the use of physalis will look beautiful, for example, you can make a candlestick.

From the pumpkin will be the original owls.

Older guys can try to make a collection of different natural materials.

You can combine drawing and application from leaves and flowers.

Always beautifully look bouquets and compositions from autumn colors.

As a vase you can use a pumpkin.

Original bouquets combining flowers and vegetables will look original.

You can make flowers from autumn leaves.