Corner of duty in kindergarten

A beautiful and interesting corner of the watch in the kindergarten will allow children to study economic matters with pleasure, and also to cultivate discipline and diligence. Such a corner will teach the kids also to be accurate, independent, confident in their actions. Registration of the corner of the watch should be colorful, include bright aprons and, if desired, bonnets. You can post a schedule of duty and assign to each kid a sticker with a muzzle of a beast, or print photos and paste them into cheerful frames. Then the kids will understand for themselves - who is on duty today. Basically, the tutors and parents do their duty on the watch, because they are not provided for in kindergartens, or they are poorly designed and do not interest the kids. As an option, you can decorate the corner of watch not only with colorful drawings, but with live flowers and an aquarium, to instill love and respect for nature.

Duties of the kids on duty

Good educators try to turn the process of watch into a real adventure, give children significance in this process, from which they feel responsibility and are proud of their actions. Of course, the duties of children are simple: to take toys, to look after the living corner , to help arrange napkins and cutlery before eating.

As it was said earlier, the corner should interest the kids, so when choosing an ornament, fantasy is not limited to anything, but it must necessarily correspond to the subject matter. To design the corner of the watch in the group is good to attract and children. With them you can discuss your favorite cartoon characters and include them in the decoration corner, and also offer to glue pictures together on the stand. In the tablets of duty, you can make pockets and put in them colored squares or circles with associative patterns and stickers, which mean different responsibilities for children, for example, to care for a living corner to draw on a flower card, for duty on the dining room - plates and fork with spoons and t . In many kindergartens, the design of the interior and other details are trying to reflect its name. For example, if the kindergarten is called "Goldfish", then you can get a goldfish in the living corner, if "Bee", then frame the stand in the form of honeycombs, etc.

Decorate the corner of duty in the Dow is easy, the main thing is to attach to this pupils and correctly perceive their wishes. In the article only general examples are given, but when you begin to design your corner , you can make any additions that the educator deems appropriate.