Women's Dreadlocks

Although the dreadlocks showed themselves in the fashion world relatively recently, this hairstyle, in fact, is the oldest in the world. In the distant past, when a person did not know any scissors or comb, at an early age his hair naturally rolled into long coils. To create "dreadlocks naturel" a modern man would have to have patience, forgetting about his hair for several years. But, fortunately, if you want to try on a spectacular hairstyle, you can do it much faster. About how to braid and weave dreadlocks, how to look after them, and what hairdresses can be built from them and we'll talk today.

Girls with dreadlocks look spectacular, because "terrible locks" (namely, the full name of the hairdress - "dreadlocks") visually increase the volume of hair and rivet the views of others.

Female dreadlocks are plaited in the same way as mens. The way to create a hairstyle depends on the kind of dreadlocks that you choose.

Types of dreadlocks

  1. J-dreadlocks. Short-lived (term socks - up to 3 months), but spectacular "terrible curls", for the creation of which enough and 5-6 cm of your own hair. These are thin artificial dreadlocks that delight the palette of flowers, the ease of interlacing in the hair (using the figure-eight or ordinary pigtail), originality, and also its safety.
  2. De-dreadlocks. This kind of dreadlocks also does not require sacrificing native locks. To create de-dreadlocks, a kanekalon is used, a material that is very similar to natural hair. With the help of kanekalon, you can create dreadlocks of any length, and their advantage is that it will look like their own. Although, of course, there are a lot of kanekalon colors, and you can ask the master to combine different colors in a fantasy order. Interweave such dreadlocks usually by the method of the eight, and at the end of the period of socks (2 months), you can reuse them.
  3. Safe dreadlocks. This is also a kanekalon, but already in the form of a special workpiece, which is simply attached to the native hair. With the help of "safety" you can please yourself with long, bulky, light dreadlocks of any colors, which can be attached to short (from 5 cm) hair.
  4. Nepalese dreadlocks. To create these dreadlocks, we use felt billets. The non-naturalness of this material is, as a rule, conspicuous. If de-dreadlocks and "safety" bright colors will give you a similarity with the heroine of anime, the felt is more likely associated with rastaman motifs. In addition, when wet, these dreadlocks have a specific odor.
  5. Dangerous dreadlocks. These are real dreadlocks, which are created from native hair. Accordingly, the length of these dreadlocks is determined by the original length of your hair, which should be at least 10-15 cm (the more, the better). Although in the process you can weave the same felt or kanekalon. Methods of weaving dangerous dreadlocks are many: this includes crocheting, and twisting, and naschesyvanie, and rubbing with wool. Be sure to negotiate with the master the number of dreadlocks and what will be their tip: "live" or hidden inside. And ask to teach you how to weave dreadlocks, since the hair will have to be updated as the hair grows. Unlike other types of dreadlocks, dangerous ones are made for a period of several years. As a rule, we must crochet the dreadlocks for crocheting.

How to care for dreadlocks?

Many girls dare to dreadlocks, attracted by the ease of care. Indeed, female dreadlocks allow you to wash your head less often, make your purse easier on the weight of the comb and release the shelf in the bathroom from numerous hair care products. However, it is important to know how and how to wash dreadlocks so that they look properly.

Hairstyles from dreadlocks

"Horrible curls" is a hairstyle in itself. Owners of de-or safe dreadlocks are easier to cope with the "mane of a lion", since the kanekalon is quite elastic. You can tie dreadlocks in knots, weave braids from them or pin them with cute hairpins.

Natural dreadlocks are slightly stiffer, as a rule, they stay in knots or with the help of a special gum bandage. But there is always a way to decorate dreadlocks with special rings or pendants. A girl with dreadlocks looks more feminine when she puts dreadful wealth on the back of her neck.

Hair after dreadlocks

If, while removing artificial dreadlocks, fashionable women experimenters can barely worry about their hair, then owners of dangerous dreadlocks are always beaten back to the original source - loose hair.

Parting with dreadlocks, girls need to be mentally prepared for the fact that they will not be invited to appear in advertising of shampoos after removing dreadlocks. Hair will be fluff, confuse and "please" with the tips of the tips. Therefore, many people decide on a fairly radical method - shaving their heads. But, if you are already tired of drawing attention to an extravagant hairdo, just be patient. The weaving of dreads is a rather painful and long procedure, usually accompanied by a sharp thinning of the hair. Do not worry: just in dreadlocks there are those hairs that left the skin of the head long ago, but could not get out of the hairdo. Pamper your hair with masks, shampoos, rub the head skin with special infusions and take vitamins. And enjoy naturalness!