Pain in the labia during pregnancy

Some women during pregnancy complain to the gynecologist that they have pain in the labia, completely not knowing what it might mean. Let's consider this situation in more detail and try to name the main causes of painful sensations in the labia during pregnancy.

What happens to the labia during pregnancy?

Changes in the onset of conception are subjected to the whole body of a woman, including the labia. As a rule, these external sexual organs of a woman change their color, the size becomes darker and slightly swollen. This is due, first of all, to changes in the hormonal background of the organism of the future mother.

Along with the above, women often notice that during pregnancy they are drawn in the labia. As a rule, this phenomenon is directly related to an increase in their size, which in turn is a consequence of increased circulation in organs located in the small pelvis.

Because of what hurt the labia during pregnancy?

Various factors can lead to the development of this phenomenon during gestation . So, among such it is possible to allocate:

What if I have pain in the labia during pregnancy?

Having dealt with why the labia hurt at a seemingly normal pregnancy, it is necessary to say that the ideal option in this case will be to see a doctor for establishing the cause. However, a woman can help herself.

So, first of all it is necessary to reduce physical activity and to limit the motor activity. In addition, it is not superfluous to revise your wardrobe, in particular, underwear (to exclude wearing strings).

In those cases where pain is observed for more than 1-3 days, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.